
Im with Kagi on this. Wtf is wrong with someone sending you emails to an email you decided to make public. This person is projecting how fragile their argument is by reacting this way.

Vlad was doing the right thing discussing it in private first before they probably address this stupid attempt at causing drama. I read all of the shit they posted and it sounds to me like they are nitpicking/strawmanning AI features which are very VERY optional.

Wtf is wrong with someone sending you emails to an email you decided to make public

there’s nothing wrong with that. continuously messaging someone after being told more than once that the recipient doesn’t want to continue the conversation, though? that’s not okay.


I get that but it’s a dick move by the author of that article to publicly speak bad about a product and then don’t even wanna listen to what that person who made that product has to say to defend it. Especially if there’s some false information that get’s spread by that article. I’m not saying anything written in that article is true or false - just explaining the situation from Vlad’s view.

that article

it’s a post on a personal blog of a person on the internet. a blog post. not an article.

What kind of non argument is that lol


Blog post or article - whatever. The effect is the same: It’s on the internet, people read it and get influenced. Just because I picked the wrong word doesn’t kill my point. I’m sure you get what I meant.

Personal blog on a public Internet is kind of an oxymoron.

The blog post is close enough to an article.

Christ almighty

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