• 3 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Turns out Kagi does do advertising

They promote their search engine but their users don’t get to see ads. I don’t know what’s wrong about that. Every company advertises with its products. I don’t see what’s reprehensible about that.

We did not say we maintain anonmity, but privacy, which are two different things. For example. your parents may know everything about you, yet still respect your privacy.

They’re right, anonymity and privacy are two different things. Since you have to pay to use Kagi, you’re not anonymous. But they allegedly don’t know what you as the user search for when using their search engine. So they’re being honest here and how can honesty be bad here? Anyways, we’re on privacy@lemmy.ml, not anonymity@lemmy.ml or whatever.

“AI is mentioned zero times”

While I still give you this one, they’re technically correct. The word “AI” isn’t there but they mention AI features, haha. It’s a bit debatable since Vlad said “kagi.com” - which doesn’t mention AI or AI tools. Only when you go to the pricing page there are mentions of AI tools.

Blog post or article - whatever. The effect is the same: It’s on the internet, people read it and get influenced. Just because I picked the wrong word doesn’t kill my point. I’m sure you get what I meant.

Just try it. You can always cancel your subscription if you don’t like it (or just pay once without subscribing). I’ve been using it for half a year now and absolutely love it.

I get that but it’s a dick move by the author of that article to publicly speak bad about a product and then don’t even wanna listen to what that person who made that product has to say to defend it. Especially if there’s some false information that get’s spread by that article. I’m not saying anything written in that article is true or false - just explaining the situation from Vlad’s view.

They allegedly don’t know their user’s search queries. That’s how it’s allegedly private.

To me it’s understandable. Imagine you start a project like this that grows over the years and you even have some employees after a while. Now someone writes an article about your project with accusations that are wrong (at least in your mind). Wouldn’t you be pissed either? At least I can’t imagine anyone who could just ignore that.

They know the names of their customers but they don’t know their search queries. There’s the privacy. At least that’s what they said. Since Kagi isn’t Open Source it always comes down to trust.

Imo only in terms of privacy. I tried it a few times over like two to three days but I always went back to Plex. Jellyfin is a nice piece of software though. I can imagine my switch will happen in a few years.

Yes, you can. You can block any domain you want to appear in your search results. Here’s the documentation for this feature.

Kagi is awesome! I recently fell in love with it.

Me too. I was so reluctant to pay for a search engine at first since there are good alternatives out there I don’t have to pay for. But I just at least wanted to try the first 100 free searches and was blown away by how great it is. It has some unique features like prioritizing or blocking specific domains, lenses and custom bangs. I payed the $10 the same day for Pro tier and 5 days later (yesterday) I even upgraded to Ultimate tier with ChatGPT-4 (called Kagi Assistant). I really, really enjoy Kagi so far. Most probably it’s gonna be my one and only search engine for the next years to come.

I have a Synology NAS so I use Hyper Backup and upload my backups in the Synology C2 Cloud. Of course all my files are encrypted first before they get uploaded.

My thoughts exactly. Next is: “OMG did you know there’s the all seeing eye on the dollar notes! That means you’re being spied on wherever there is cash!!!”
Stuff like this just makes me wanna roll my eyes.

To me it looks more like this website tries to guess what filter lists I’m using. In my case it for example detects “EasyList Portuguese”, “Latvian List” and some others that I definitely don’t use. Also there are some lists it doesn’t detect. It definitely makes it easier to fingerprint me but it can’t tell exactly all the lists I use.

But it also detects other addons like Dark Reader. And since pretty much everyone has their own set of addons in their browser they’re easy to fingerprint anyway. One probably should just use uBO with standard filters as the only addon and that’s it. But I can’t live without Dark Reader and some other addons that I use. That sucks but it is what it is. At this point adding additional filter lists probably won’t make it worse.

True. I recommend a DNS based adblocker like Pi-hole and an extra adblocker like uBO in your browser. If you can’t access a website you’ll immediately know who is the culprit blocking the site you’re trying to access.

Dunno. That would mean websites would know what filter lists inside an adblocker browser addon you use, which I can’t imagine tbh. But I’d say it’s a gamble. With more block lists you can achieve more privacy but maybe (if privacybro is right) fingerprinting you is easier. You decide what is the right choice to make here.

Do you know any minimal Invidious UI you can run from a Podman/Docker container? Like just the frontend, so that I can use Firefox instead of that. I think having that as a base and adding the freetube features would be great.

Use your favorite search engine and you’ll probably find something. Or self host a Piped instance. It’s very similar to Invidious but imo even better.

I did that a while ago but always ran in timeouts for some search engines (varied from time to time). Also the order of search results is often completely fucked up. And sometimes I search for something and got something completely different. For example I searched for something like “open source software” and the search results were filled with porn lol.

Also what’s bad about self hosting this in your home network is that your SearXNG instance does the searches from your home network of course. That means all the searches to all the selected search engines like Google, Bing etc. are made from your IP which is counterproductive when it’s privacy you’re trying to achieve.

Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM
Not sure if this has been posted yet. [https://9to5google.com/2023/11/02/google-chrome-web-integrity-api/](https://9to5google.com/2023/11/02/google-chrome-web-integrity-api/)

Open uBO settings > Filter lists > scroll down and click on import > a text box opens where you put the links of your custom filter lists (one per line) > apply changes

What custom uBO filter lists do you use?
Title says it all. Do you use custom filter lists in uBO? If yes: Which ones? Here are the ones I use: * [Block-EU-Cookie-Shit-List](https://github.com/r4vi/block-the-eu-cookie-shit-list) * [Fanboy's Annoyance List](https://easylist.to/) * [EFF Cookie Blocklist](https://www.eff.org/files/cookieblocklist.txt) * [I don't care about cookies](https://www.i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/abp/) * [I'm OK with cookies](https://github.com/Rudloff/adblock-imokwithcookies) * [OISD (big)](https://oisd.nl/setup) * [PUP Domains Blocklist](https://github.com/curbengh/pup-filter) Also great website to find many more filter lists: [filterlists.com](https://filterlists.com/)

I second mailbox.org. Great email provider that I use too.

That’s true but we’re here at privacy@lemmy.ml so people here only care about the privacy aspect and not how companies finance their services. If you still wanna use Startpage and risk your privacy then go for it.

Startpage was bought by an advertising company. I suggest to not bother with that search engine anymore.

I second this. Been using this tool since it was first released. It’s a must for everyone who uses Win10/Win11, has a sense of privacy and has a reason why he cannot switch to Linux.

There are even services that send you newsletter shit although you made sure you’re opted out.
Also there’s newsletter with a link to opt out but the link is just fake. I hate it so much.

As long as it works fine for you I’m glad. :)
If you’re interested here are my three bad experiences with AGH:

  • The “use AdGuard browsing security web service” option made all DNS queries so slow after a week to the point where nothing was resolved anymore. (That was 2 years ago, maybe fixed now)
  • They removed some library with an update which caused a panic when booting AGH so it wouldn’t start anymore. That library was needed to use the DoH encryption of one of my upstream DNS servers. I had to remove that one from my config.
  • The next update didn’t fix this issue but added another one: A few hours of running this version ( I don’t remember the version number) the AGH service suddenly crashed. I started it again but 5 minutes later it would crash again. That was the point where I stopped using AGH because it didn’t feel reliable anymore and updates only made it worse.

Really? How do I do that? I’d love to add the Neo Dev Host List to NextDNS.

and I was talking about Pi-Hole

Well, you said “you” so I thought you were talking about me since you replied to my comment.

Firefox and Telegram for example has built-in DNS if I’m not wrong. (you can disable it easily)

Right. I don’t know about Telegram but in Firefoxes case I think it’s disabled by default. I specifically checked that on my Firefox so it won’t bypass my OPNsense.

We are sharing our use cases. And my context was “I don’t understand why people even talks about Pi-Hole”

You don’t see it, do you? First you talk about your use case but then you talk about other people. So not your use case anymore. In their use case a Pi-hole, AdGuard Home, NextDNS or whatever else maybe makes sense and isn’t a bad choice.

EDIT: Also, I think using your phone for other things is wrong, they aren’t really designed for that, they aren’t that secure as a PC can be.

Erm… what?? Smartphones are designed for many different things. Browsing the internet is just one of many things it’s made for. It’s called “smartphone” for a reason.

Read the whole sentence. That “just” belongs to the fact that it’s only available on a few selected OSes and none of them are for mobile devices.

… any app can bypass easily your DHCP DNS provided…

In my network it can only do that if the app has a hardcoded encrypted DNS server because I use NAT rules to force all unencrypted DNS to be processed by my OPNsense (which uses NextDNS as upstream DNS servers). And I highly doubt many apps even have a hardcoded DNS server anyway (no matter if unencrypted or encrypted).

and as I said, I don’t install any weird app on my phone, I just use it as a phone, to communicate, chat and to download podcasts to listen on night.

That’s your personal use case but not everyone elses. I do much more with my phone. For example browsing. And I think most people do it too. Anyway, as long as you use mobile internet even your OS on your phone could spy on you with tracker domains. Most people don’t use a custom ROM so you’re just one of few people who this doesn’t apply to.

While you just win at your local home network… xD

Wrong. I use NextDNS so I have it everywhere. ;)

I use Pi-Hole and works great. I’ve heard about AdGuard and seems the same thing as PiHole

Only if you’re talking about AdGuard Home, then yes. When you talk about AdGuard you usually just mean the adblocker app which is something completely different.

I used all three of them. While AdGuard Home has some nice features that Pi-hole doesn’t, it in my experience has much more problems and has been unstable on some updates. So since you prefer stability for your DNS server I’d recommend Pi-hole over AdGuard Home.
NextDNS doesn’t need to be self-hosted because it’s a service on the internet. The disadvantage is that you are offered a list of blocklists from which you can choose but unlike Pi-hole or AdGuard Home you cannot add more lists. But they offer many lists so that’s not a big problem. If you need more than 300k queries a month you need to pay for their service. But since NextDNS is a service on the internet it means that you can use it on all of your devices no matter where you are.

Maybe because that’s just a firewall that can be installed on Windows, Debian/Ubuntu and Fedora. What about your mobile devices? This is where Pi-hole, AGH, NextDNS etc. win.

Does it have to be an app? I decided against an app because there are good websites like dict.cc with a mobile browser version which does its job very well. Another app less.

Really? That sounds fucked up but I don’t trust hearsay so easily.

Huh? Discord is very much alive and popular.

Sounds nice but we all know the majority won’t make the switch from Discord so it’s sadly but most probably a stillbirth.

Right. Discord, Revolt, Guilded etc. are heavily inspired by IRC but they modernized it by adding more features. Right now they are so much more than IRC.