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I suppose we’ve reached a “agree to disagree and don’t talk about it as a result” status, which I’m willing to accept, sorta choosing which hill I wanna die on, ya know?

It’s just that I wish there was more support, whereas I feel instead that there’s ridicule or disrespect because her standpoint comes across more as “I’m right and you are wrong so I think less of you for it.”

But, focusing on the privacy topic rather than relationship advice, I really just wish there were a way for me to present her with a case that allowed her to validate my arguments and respect them, even if she doesn’t agree. I think that’s just asking too much because there isn’t a single justification I’ve ever put forth with which she could understand my opinion.

No privacy supporting suggestion works with her because she simply doesn’t value it. I guess I could be projecting expectations, but I think I’m valid in wanting my views respected, even if they aren’t conceded.

I think protection from data breaches is the most real world, relatable case you make for digital privacy. There are tons of victims you can point to that have suffered in a way that is easily understood by even a normie. It’s a much better tactic than trying to compare it to people looking though a window or some other vague/unrelated idea.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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