It’s discrediting valid concerns against card-payments. It’s invalidating how great cash is.

It’s when the worst person you know makes a good point.

And things now are so Culture-Wars-y, nobody makes solid analyses any more, that when the far-right say cards are bad, everybody jumps to thinking cards are good.

mo_ztt ✅

Why is it a bad thing if someone you don’t like says something sensible?

There’s a lot of natural alliance between the anti-establishment on the right and the left… that’s why the establishment spends so much money and effort making propaganda, trying to make sure that the natural rage of the screwed-over gets channeled to the far right. The rage gets aimed at the left, instead of being properly directed at the people who are screwing them.

I don’t feel like it’s helping if someone who’s a victim of that propaganda makes a good decision, and people on the left don’t want to acknowledge it.


Agreed. This kinda looks like rage-bait anyhow. OP’s argument is pretty sloppy, too.

A: Some far-right activists and conspiracy theories are advocating against card-payments and for cash
B: discrediting valid concerns against card-payments.

It’d be a pretty tough argument, but B doesn’t follow from A directly and would need some heavy lifting in between. Also, OP’s post is most def “culture-wars-y.”

mo_ztt ✅

A lot of people just like their team, and the other team is the enemy, and that’s about the size of it. 😕


The leader said you’d say that.

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