Helicopter Footage From Mass Arrest Reveals State Trooper Surveillance Capabilities, Tactics, and Communications - UNICORN RIOT
High-tech surveillance video and audio comms from a MN State Patrol helicopter, reveals planning and tactics behind the largest mass arrest in recent Minnesota history.

Gay sex used to be illegal. Do you think people shouldn’t have been doing it?


That’s a false equivalency. Gay sex is an act between consenting adults. I’ll copy what I wrote in another comment in this thread on the issue of blocking a highway:

In the case of this road thing, my concern stems from people, at night, flooding onto a highway. There’s a good chance multiple people are hit, and killed at those speeds, possibly involving multiple vehicles, maybe a semi-truck. Even the drivers of the cars could be hit by other cars and hurt themselves. Short of that, you have the psychological toll to live with of having accidentally killed someone. It’s really just a bad idea all around on top of not being an effective protest method. For those reasons, I do believe the police acted appropriately to show up, and arrest the people doing it.

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