Finally deleted my LinkedIn account!

After putting my account into “hibernation” for the past few weeks, I finally closed it. But I’m still looking for work. Thankfully I can still find positions (SRE and software dev) by just going directly to the company’s site and finding a Jobs page.

Good luck to everyone else out there looking for work!

#privacy @privacy


Its you again! Your signature always identifies you instantly.

I agree that linkedin is shit. Any form of alternative would be good but honestly, I‘m not using any social media that isnt democratic anymore. So my only chance at it is making it democratic.

Have a good one.

Its you again! Your signature always identifies you instantly.

😂 Thanks, I was hoping it would’ve caught on by now, but that’s fine.

I‘m not using any social media that isnt democratic anymore

Respect. LinkedIn shouldn’t have been social media, but they went ahead and did it. I too would like an alternative.

You have a good one too 🙂


So… how do you add an automatic signature? Asking for a friend…

It’s a keyboard shortcut that sends the keystrokes to the active window 😉 I wish there were a lemmy client that did it for me, but this is what I have to do for now.


Fair. I added it to my bio for now. Baby steps is how we learn to run.


I just went ahead and did something. Since I consider you very knowledgeable I would like to invite you to look at it and share your opinion. I‘ll send you the link if you‘re interested.

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