Hey bud I’m glad narcissism, is working out for you. I really hope you’re old so it don’t catch up.

For a supposed empath you act remarkably similar to an ahole.

You’re describing a problem that literally does not exist in the EU to justify that a law in the EU is wrong. That’s not very smart.

I wouldn’t argue for tougher gun laws in Germany because you guys keep getting your children shot either.

That’s actually one of my karmic debts I must pay off (arrogance,) but I already paid off 8 karmic debts, only four more to go if I live to 98 like most in my family.

I was probably a very bad person in my last life. That’s why this is my road this time, I except my cancer, and if it takes me then so be it. I also apologize for thinking of everyone as one and everyones actions actually effecting everyone else regardless of country, I forget so many people are still so programmed with tribalism.

Also, if it helps you to understand, I grew up in an extremely conservative stronghold with rich assholes everywhere so I became a dark empath, found my way back mostly, but the dark still pounces out on someone now and then (I’m working on it.) Life’s a journey and some don’t want to even try to figure it out, but when you really really want to it starts to show you what you need to get where you need to be.

Life has actually been better then ever since the cancer, I still have a projected seven years left, so I’m working on turning the money machine back on and making the money to save myself in this shitty country I live in, but I never expect anyone to understand what it’s like to feel others emotions your whole life in a family and community that refuse to except this stuff exists.

Ok, so you’re completely bonkers.


that’s exactly what i’d expect a dark empath to say. sheathe your knife unless you want to get saddled with karmic debt bro. you’re limited to paying off karmic debt in transactions of no more than 3k eurohms each, and with this dark energy you’d be in karmic debt into the millions.

Don’t worry, I can feel that the Force is strong with them. They have many midi-chlorians, so a karmic debt in the millions should be no problem.

Don’t worry, I only wrote this because someone here needed to hear these words.

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