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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Most people (public and private) never go beyond disapproval, though.

You’ll hear people complain about this and that, but never even looking for an alternative.

“Self-inflicted”. If you don’t comply, we’ll break your computer, and that’s your fault. Why did you make us do that???

So you want people to be able to drive several tons of literal murder machines without any form of registration?

more money.

…soooo someone paid money? Which would fall under the regulation.

For a supposed empath you act remarkably similar to an ahole.

You’re describing a problem that literally does not exist in the EU to justify that a law in the EU is wrong. That’s not very smart.

I wouldn’t argue for tougher gun laws in Germany because you guys keep getting your children shot either.

So, because the US can’t get its shit together and you can’t get medical help for neither cancer nor psychological issues, the EU - with pretty good universal healthcare - should allow cash payments without limit?

The 500€ bill was removed from circulation because it was used almost exclusively for corruption and illegal trade.

Or, and that’s gonna sound like a crazy theory - they just think, they can make money off of whatever they’re building.

Look at the track record of Zuckerberg. He’s not a visionary, he just has visions. He’s a manchild who never heard no or criticism. There is no convoluted long term plan. There are just erratic pipedreams that are sold as grand projects for marketing reasons.

It’s a tool to oppress dissent.

Realistically, you can’t enforce the law, but if you find an anonymous account for anything on someone’s phone or laptop, you can easily arrest or fine them.