GitHub - cyb3rko/pincredible: Modern and secure Android app to help you remember any PIN
Modern and secure Android app to help you remember any PIN - GitHub - cyb3rko/pincredible: Modern and secure Android app to help you remember any PIN

Any thoughts on this one?

Just in case anyone needs an eli5 (not me, obviously, I totally understood how it works 🙄)

Of course! I’ll simplify everything for you.

Imagine you have a toy box with a secret toy hidden inside. This app works in a similar way to hide and protect your secret number (PIN).

How it hides your PIN:

  1. PIN in a Puzzle: The app places your PIN in a puzzle-like grid and fills up the rest with random numbers. It’s like hiding a toy among many other toys.

    • Even the app doesn’t know where your secret toy (PIN) is in the grid.
    • If someone tries to peek over your shoulder, they won’t easily figure out which toy is your secret one.
  2. Special Keyboard: Instead of using the regular way of typing, the app gives you a special keyboard inside it.

    • This makes it hard for sneaky apps to see what you type.
    • Also, the buttons on this keyboard keep changing places, so if someone is trying to see where you touch, they’ll get confused.

How it keeps things safe inside:

  1. Magic Lock (Encryption): The app uses a magic spell (called AES) to lock your secret toy so that even if someone gets it, they can’t play with it without the magic key.

  2. Secret Name-Tag (Hashing): Every toy (PIN) gets a secret name-tag that only the app can read. It’s like writing a name in a language only the app understands.

  3. Strong Password: If you ever forget things and need a backup way to get your toy, the app has a super-strong password system (called Argon2id).

What happens when you use the app:

  1. Starting the App: The app looks for your toys (PINs) using the magic key and shows you their secret name-tags.

  2. Picking a Toy (PIN): When you choose a toy by its name-tag, the app shows you the toy in its puzzle grid, but hidden among other toys.

  3. Adding a New Toy (PIN): If you get a new toy, you can give it a secret spot in the grid and a secret name-tag. The app will use its magic spell to lock it up safe.

In short: This app is like a magical toy box. It hides your secret toys (PINs) in clever ways and uses special magic to keep them safe.

Ah thanks a lot. Yea nothing for me then either. But if it could replace android pin/pattern then it might be something interesting.

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