Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


it’s not that easy to find a real Youtube alternative, I tried it recently and got meek results, sharing them from my personal notebook:

  • Odysee – a youtube for righwingers and scammers 😒
  • removedute – a youtube for the far right lost in conspiracy madness 🤮
  • DTube – a youtube that runs on Blockchain? 🙄
  • Vimeo – NEXT!
  • Daylimotion – hm, not bad maybe but idk 🤔
  • peertube – too confusing 😵‍💫
  • – seems nice, but too expensive 😢

Nebula costs ~$15/year. The content is mostly great, mobile app is a disaster.

Ah thanks a lot. Yea nothing for me then either. But if it could replace android pin/pattern then it might be something interesting.

Did you already install it? (I didnt)

No idea what the colors are for, but I think you can also use random symbols, not just numbers? And even if it’s just numbers that don’t change, it will not be the numbers of your actual pin.

And yes, you’d need to remember the patterns. I myself to thst anyway with all my pins.

Somettimes there are card payment terminals with the numbers in a randomized order; I always need to take my phone out to look at a normal numpad so I can remember my actual pin. 😅

Any thoughts on this one? Just in case anyone needs an eli5 (not me, obviously, I totally understood how it works 🙄) *** Of course! I'll simplify everything for you. Imagine you have a toy box with a secret toy hidden inside. This app works in a similar way to hide and protect your secret number (PIN). ### How it hides your PIN: 1. **PIN in a Puzzle**: The app places your PIN in a puzzle-like grid and fills up the rest with random numbers. It's like hiding a toy among many other toys. - Even the app doesn't know where your secret toy (PIN) is in the grid. - If someone tries to peek over your shoulder, they won't easily figure out which toy is your secret one. 2. **Special Keyboard**: Instead of using the regular way of typing, the app gives you a special keyboard inside it. - This makes it hard for sneaky apps to see what you type. - Also, the buttons on this keyboard keep changing places, so if someone is trying to see where you touch, they'll get confused. ### How it keeps things safe inside: 1. **Magic Lock (Encryption)**: The app uses a magic spell (called AES) to lock your secret toy so that even if someone gets it, they can't play with it without the magic key. 2. **Secret Name-Tag (Hashing)**: Every toy (PIN) gets a secret name-tag that only the app can read. It's like writing a name in a language only the app understands. 3. **Strong Password**: If you ever forget things and need a backup way to get your toy, the app has a super-strong password system (called Argon2id). ### What happens when you use the app: 1. **Starting the App**: The app looks for your toys (PINs) using the magic key and shows you their secret name-tags. 2. **Picking a Toy (PIN)**: When you choose a toy by its name-tag, the app shows you the toy in its puzzle grid, but hidden among other toys. 3. **Adding a New Toy (PIN)**: If you get a new toy, you can give it a secret spot in the grid and a secret name-tag. The app will use its magic spell to lock it up safe. In short: This app is like a magical toy box. It hides your secret toys (PINs) in clever ways and uses special magic to keep them safe.

Is this a known thing? I aways install everything that scanner suggests me.

Yea voting is great, but when was the last time the UK had a prime minister that anyone voted for?

Oh wow, the great UK really seems to love to show the world how advanced they are. Decrypt this then 🙄

Password is only 8 characters.


jA0ECQMIg4RgH82c4/j+0sC6ASlYlE5UsjX2pJ7EL+c/XvjBdn2sfeaWyVZQenMW h+eMDp4vCSbhvVHpzVjwo0mJVKyLnINzjelRVQH0mPBuvs8wsGPitJ04xkixBrEI j/BDvunCqQHKh2rDSbqubuA64+74Zg2FqGsAgnTrxfK/78AFPfL1jM4GODxLt5IT duxVd06lE/zqJmhBL0uInovdKRsOjDoueHJBeXOSFpfYCoUcQsNkcOCZ7XiaaQus CUKVs1nCHWQZtjlRTxUzBRjkNFFVumXY+XI2S35ER8FveB6LdL0bqWCsJxSVUCMb +G3v5ckD/dvxVCrjxfeA4Xlvvk5ivZwsmkaWLz0KUl8tooxD3LBmbU3OTZ27sRxW SgTwGewFgxDTAlcbKaW46WI/Stbs3knYc2rQbMpu/DHqjz2GsYBENXOZEMYCnNtB tgRj6I5IqPieP2ZHUBXu8/ijL6Kl6UxKRtit7m0kttCfFWY8a1yhRfXGn57ZByxi Tj8jFHypznwgpSTE =cl6h -----END PGP MESSAGE-----

It’s the super very best of the best. Beside encryption it also uploads stuff faster than shit like folder sync pro. Never has any errors. One of my most favorite open source apps, love it so much I even paid for the supporter certificate. (And I don’t pay for lots of free stuff cuz I’m poor). If they would allow single folder sync on android it would also be much better than nextcloud.

Not sure I get it. How do you create keys? I use kleopatra and never saw a plaintext.

Many great answers in here but can someone address this point?

Signal could very well be another Crypto AG-style honeypot: the Swiss company which provided secure communications services to ~120 governments throughout the 20th century, and was secretly ran by the CIA and West German Intelligence.

Thanks and, I really should have actually tried this before getting all confused about the issues of people who want to use it at the same time.

It’s not super automated, but the switching with the Android and Windows Apps do not take more than 30 seconds.

Use both VPN and nextDNS
I have a VPN, but don't use it that often. Whenever the VPN is not active, I'd like to use nextDNS. Is there a smart/automated way to do that?