Onerep is a privacy monitoring service/ privacy provider that Mozilla partnered with for their Mozilla Monitor service.

Yesterday, Brian Krebs (a cybersecurity journalist) dug into Onerep and found that the CEO is a shady Belarussian. Dimitri Shelest, CEO, of Onerep owns multiple “people searching” websites. Shelest has also been linked to aggressive spam and affiliate marketing emails.

Onerep’s reputation is shady due to their CEO’s multiple conflicts of interest. At worst, Onerep is sucking your personal information. At best, you’re paying for a service that doesn’t do anything. Either way, I would not trust Mozilla Monitor service .

This is a copy and paste from a post I made to I do not no know how to crosspost and I apologise for my mistake a head of time.

Is this a shitpost? I’m confused as to how they’d verify if your accounts are compromised without knowing your basic info.

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Fair enough. I completely agree that the feature creep is concerning and aggravating. I think it comes down to them trying to grow adoption of the browser and services. Mozilla has like a 1% market share. I’ll still use it over chrome or edge. At least we can disable all the bullshit in about:config or just not sign up for the extra services.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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