Does anyone know how /e/os compares to graphene os for privacy? I am thinking of getting a murena fairphone which comes with /e/os but supports custom OSs and am leaning towards graphene, but don’t know much about e.

I prefer computers to be more no nonsense and I thought that /e/OS pushed their own cloud solutions and stuff a lot. Has that been annoying for you or are they reasonable about it or am I wrong about this entirely?

Perhaps we have different needs but I’m trying to get away from my account. Having an alternative built into my phone (email, pictures, calendar, writer, spreadsheets and others) synced across devices as well as my computer, sounds good to me.

It is only 1gb of space, but as of now, plenty of space for my pictures. To some point, makes me not hold TONS of pictures on my phone as I delete the ones I don’t want. Can desync if needed

For additional space, yes its kinda expensive. I have a proton account as well and beard good things about them. Its just not baked into my OS

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