I literally haven’t seen anyone even mention it anywhere on the internet as if it never existed, when it comes to Ad blockers I always see uBO recommended with absolutely no mention whatsoever of ABP why? What makes it better than ABP? What happened to it? or maybe I’m wrong and ABP is not as well known as I think it is.

I have been using ABP for many years until someday don’t remember when I switched to uBO because I read that it is “the best ad blocker”.

I maybe need a history lesson as everything on the matter seems so vague to me and the whole situation is super weird

Aren’t you a nice fella

Nice enough to be considerate of the low level employees who only have jobs because the company they work for has ads on their site.

If these ads were unobtrusive, off to the side, not serving as trackers, and not speaking the most flashy design language someone’s ever screamed at me, then I would respect them.

Everyone’s gotta pay the bills, but todays online ads make up quite a few of the reasons the modern internet turned to shit.

Then it’s not every ad. That’s the whole thing I’ve been trying to establish to plenty of people this whole time.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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