If sharing your content with AI firms is such a great thing for the publishers of blogs, you have to wonder why Automattic feels the need to enable it by default rather than insisting they opt-out…

Act now

I was expecting some suggestions to act or unite in opposition. The linked post has none of that though, despite its title. It’s a rant/criticism, not a call to action.

Yet idiots keep upvoting it. Lemmy really isn’t any better than Reddit. I’ll get down voted for saying this though because apparently it’s taboo to criticize lemmy. We have to pretend like it’s somehow magically protected from all the things that made reddit suck ass.

Upvoting/downvoting is supposed to be for post visibility, not because you agree or disagree.

Huh? I know… But why would you upvote shitposts like this for visibility? Isn’t that the exact opposite of what it should be used for? Do you purposely upvote shitposts “for visibility?” If so, fuck you lol.

Sadly, that’s not how people use it.

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