
Text in the screenshot from Grammarly says:

We develop data sets to train our algorithms so that we can improve the services we provide to customers like you. We have devoted significant time and resources to developing methods to ensure that these data sets are anonymized and de-identified.

To develop these data sets, we sample snippets of text at random, disassociate them from a user’s account, and then use a variety of different methods to strip the text of identifying information (such as identifiers, contact details, addresses, etc.). Only then do we use the snippets to train our algorithms-and the original text is deleted. In other words, we don’t store any text in a manner that can be associated with your account or used to identify you or anyone else.

We currently offer a feature that permits customers to opt out of this use for Grammarly Business teams of 500 users or more. Please let me know if you might be interested in a license of this size, and I’II forward your request to the corresponding team.

I did use the cross-post function. Most apps do not currently acknowledge this function which might explain why the article has appeared to you multiple times.

I see content from many servers in the lemmy federation. My understanding, which could be wrong, was that like email, you can post to any domain and see posts from other domains. What’s the advantage of posting to many instances?

More traction just like posting in reddit to multiple subreddits. People might not be subbed to the one you post it to and not everyone browses All and even if they did you would have to hope it floats to the top more.

Thanks! It seems this issue is harder than I thought :)

What is this healthy communication?! Aren’t you supposed to go into the “what the fuck did you just say to me” ramble?


What the fuck did you just say to them?

I don’t know if it will last, but I really enjoy this cozy-but-not-cheesy environment. It feels different.

Oh trust me there’s plenty of infighting on lemmy too. Just don’t bring up Russia around certain people…

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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