I have been very happy with DuckDuckGo, and it has helped me break free of routines that I did not feel safe with. Especially the small flame icon that would clear all history, cookies and cache from websites that are not “fireproofed” was great!

But today I had to do a quick example on Tinkercad (3D browser design tool) and it was so slow! I thought that my PC maybe was busy doing something (yeah its an older PC but not THAT old), but when I open the same page on my now parked Opera browser, everything went smoothly.

I am ok with using Opera, or any other browser for 3D work, as I don’t really do all that much of it, but I just feel gutted to find out that my now favorite browser sucks so bad at something, not to mention the Microsoft Edge processes when that is the last of any browser that I would choose to use

EDIT: I found out that this was due to hardware acceleration was off, on my DuckDuckGo browser. I had turned it off, because the fonts on websites looked blurry when it was on. The solution was to turn off antialising on the Nvidia control panel, and restart the PC. It is now working well!


Firefox with ublock origin is even better than the DuckDuckGo browser alone. Yes, you can use DuckDuckGo as a default search engine, and even install the extension, if you need to.

What I like with DDG is that I can clear all cookies, cache, history etc except for the sites that i have “fireproofed”.

You can do that with any browser

Not as easily it seems but to be fair, i haven’t looked too much into it. In DDG I get asked if I want to fireproof the site, when I type in any information. Then I just press flame icon to torch everything else multiple times a day.

On Firefox you can set the browser to clear any type of data on quit and set exceptions for certain sites such as your search engine.

In addition you can set global preferences for data tracking and selling to inform all websites upon landing of your privacy settings.

Do you know of an easy way to add sites to the exception list? I really like how easy itnia to “fireproof” sites with a press of a button but in Firefox it takes quite a lot more.

Using Ctrl+I seems the fastest route to allowing cookies to be set for one domain! (desktop tested)

I tested this. but it only brings up the page info for me, but with no option or way to get to the area where you add a site to the exceptions (in the security tab)

it is in the permissions tab after you uncheck “use defaults”

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Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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