
Element for Android doesn’t support searching in encrypted channels and I think you can’t use E2EE in the browser at all(?), plus basically every other client has even more drawbacks when it comes to E2EE.

My team recently tried RocketChat, but E2EE is obviously an afterthought for that project as it has even more limitations than non-Element Matrix clients (no searching, no pinning, no file upload, no edit, etc.). Plus Jitsi integration seems to be buggy right now (at least on my Windows installation).

What else is out there that’s not on my radar? Is Matrix with Element really the best option right now? Is there no project that puts E2EE above all else?

Edit: Should be self-hostable and (FL)OSS.


Keybase was popular with some Hacker News users for a while, but now that it’s owned by Zoom, anyone concerned about privacy ought to think twice before using it.

XMPP might be worth considering if you’re hosting for yourself and all your contacts. I suggest avoiding it for public use, mainly because features are piecemeal and coordinating them across everyone’s clients and servers is a bit complicated. (Also, I don’t know if there’s a good XEP for encrypted search.)

Yeah, it’s sad to see it in Zoom’s hands, but it is still open source and receiving updates.

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