just another anarchist

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


I’m not paying for Telegram and I haven’t noticed missing out anywhere because of it. I’m using the APK file instead of the Play Store version because the latter censors Russian media channels (and I hate censorship). I wasn’t even aware there were premium accounts.

I’m in 2 dozen channels, have a few friends who mainly use Telegram instead of the competitors and I haven’t noticed a single issue, except for their homegrown encryption scheme.

So you’re completely uninformed and yet chime in with your opinion? The danger is real and this isn’t a reporting issue.

I don’t know about this take. I’m not sure how serious you are about it, but imagine a web without Javascript. Perhaps we’d all be using proprietary abominations such as Java or Flash today, not knowing what would’ve been possible with a more open, albeit somewhat clunky, programming language that’s supported by every browser.

You’re right, it’s definitely fishy and his claim doesn’t seem to hold up. According to Wellfound (previously Angellist) Brave was seed funded by Founders Fund with 4,5mil USD, which brings them close to owning 10% of Brave, though possibly with some dilution, because Chinese company Qihoo 360 provided 2,5mil USD in seed funding in 2015 already. I don’t think it’s likely that any “[…] first floor engineers at Brave” have a bigger equity, if I’m not completely misunderstanding how these equity valuations work.

It’s definitely suspicious. Since I’m inbetween moving browsers from Chrome to Brave right now, I’ll have to dig deeper into this and maybe switch to Firefox again. Though Mozilla has their own issues.

Sigh. Thanks for your reply!

According to Brave’s CEO, that’s not really true though: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25840586

Can you provide contradictory evidence? I tried to no avail. I would stop using Brave if it turns out that Thiel is having a bigger stake in Brave than I knew so far.

I could’ve provided a bit more information on my own take on the link I submitted though. Thanks for being supportive!

That’s a stupid assumption unless you can provide examples where that actually happened.

At least there’s one person who doesn’t go off the rails as if just told people to stop using Tor or Signal. Appreciate! 🙏

I don’t get what you’re saying. Who burned down what house? What is “the oligarchy” supposed to mean? I don’t see any Parler links anywhere and I thought the platform shut down anyways? I found some older posts of his in Wired and Slate. If he’s a right winger, please show me what’s right wing but don’t come at me with some ramblings of spreading right wing propaganda.

The US is headed to shit and they’re obviously tightening the noose in terms of wanting to do away with privacy and with Tor being basically the only widespread anti-censorship network with decent UX we all must be aware that this is a gift that can easily be subverted and taken away. Sure we can fork it, but you need some decent cryptographers to ensure it remains secure and these people don’t grow on trees.

I don’t think the author is telling anyone not to use Tor but to keep in mind that it’ll probably only last as long as it works in the US’ favor of enabling color revolutions in “evil countries”

Responses like yours really worry me about the political discourse.

To the downvoter(s): Did yo really read the piece? 🤔