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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 22, 2024


If you ask a fulfilled woman she may tell you that she likes a hard dick that fucks her well.

There are plenty of useless dicks hanging around…

Yes, family, friends trust more an outsider rather than a family member with decades of real proven knowledge in the IT/Tech field.

The reason being that AUTHORITIES have imense power of manipulation at hand rather than a single opinion of a family member…

Thank you very much for speaking my mind!

I would also add that the “Plandemic” WAS that nasty thing that started other nasty things happening AND still few acknowledge what you are very well talking about.

IT is not only about being able to exercise the freedom of speech, privacy or living and loving, IT IS about HUMANS and HUMANITY and those that are against it…


Run your own email server and don’t ever send anything you don’t want it to be public over email!

Email is NOT SECURE, no matter what you do!


Mate, please be kind and help a fellow brother with that…

For example I need a tool that will “automagically” sort all my documents, photos and videos on premises.

Thank you!

This is why I like this community so much!

I always learn from people like you!

We discuss, sometimes we agree sometimes we don’t, but we speak our minds freely and come up with some neat solutions!

Thank you!

Its time to use the technology for the benefits of humans not against them!

Let’s look into better solutions together!

Not if you have everything “on premises” under your control and doing the hard work of keeping that infrastructure up and running. Yeah, that is a lot of effort, but still doable!

Someone asked me: Does it worth it? I let you answer that question yourself 🙂

Well put!

I’ve been saying this since they made their services available…Nobody listened to me.

Usually when I said sth. like you mentioned, people look at me like they look today:

Ohhh…You are a conspiracy theorist…

No mate, I have a better understanding of the fucking computers and technology because I do this for a few decades…

Hoping they will listen to you!

Thank you for your reply! You are doing what you can and that is important!

Respect! Hope you will find your way following your passion and working for the Good!

Agreed, now what do we do about it?

I quit a very very well paid IT job in a very big corp because I did not want to participate to their anti-human, anti-planet shit…

What are you doing about it?

Well said!

“Many people probably won’t be bothered by these things, but I am.”

You are not alone! There are still many knowledgeable people who understand what you mentioned.

Thank you for bringing up this topic!

Enjoy playing the guitar! 🙂

My point is that you have all the open source software components needed to run secure communications, on your own premises, for your own users/community in case you are not trusting Signal’s infrastructure.

If you know any other similar alternative with strong encryption open source protocols please let me know! I love learning new things everyday!


If one is to compare apple to apples, imho the decision to choose between Signal, Whatsapp and Telegram and other “messengers” is obvious and clear.

Signal is fully open source! You can run it on-premises, if you know your business!

Why are we not talking about it?

I hope my comment will not be discarded/removed as not being in sync with the narative… 😉