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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I found that all my keyboards didn’t have functional modifier keys while gaming, in wayland. Switched back to default cinnamon, and it all works fine again. Linuxmint

Did you build it yet? And how did it go? I’ve just built a fractal terra jade, with a nearly completely spare parts bin spec; Vega56 (ex-classic Mac Pro) i7 2600 (ex-iMac 2011) 2x4gb ddr3 ram (also ex cMP) 1tb SDD 500watt silverstone SFX-L (toight!)

Running Linux Mint 21.3 Have installed WoW via Steam compatibility mode, and playing all my steam catalogue as trials. Borderlands 2, Pre-sequel, wolfenstein old blood, and some GOG games. It’s actually very competent at 1080p and I’m not finding I’m having to turn much settings down to enjoy good frames.

I’ve got an old vega56 in hand because I upgraded an old mac pro and I’m wondering whether I can build a usable Linux gaming rig with it.

I knew that a long time ago, it’s just one more thing

Available in the U.K. Brexit was such a bad idea. Smh