ukrainian cat ~

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


they don’t offer reasonable free tiers (I don’t have a reliable source of income and i just need it for hobby stuff) and I’m unable to sign up with either of those with my ukrainian credit card anyway (they all reject both my credit and debit cards)
well i haven’t tried signing up for azure yet but I don’t have much hope

also I don’t care about it’s cdn features, i need a dns server and a way to proxy ipv4 traffic over ipv6 (and cloudflare tunnels for ssh)

there’s no alternative tho, and by definition alternatives will have the same level of access…

that’s just dns tho
but yeah, obviously your dns provider can see the dns requests (aka domain names) you’re making, that’s the whole point of dns server

yep but without that hardware good luck

lol hdcp will absolutely fuck you over with this one.

IANAL, but iirc if you’re in the eu, legitimate interest is not legal basis for data processing but they may still store it for later use if you ever agree to one of these

well i actually think it’s quite a reasonable measure.

other websites would’ve locked you out completely if your ip is suspected of being used in a ddos attack, while reddit does provide an option to continue using the website for registered users

awesome, what’s the deal with awesome open source projects picking awkward or hard to pronounce names tho.

well you have the exact same public ipv4 address or ipv6 prefix

it does not upload audio clips unless you opt in during the first use of assistant
well, and text will obviously get sent if assistant activation results in a google search, pretty sure actions like setting a timer run fully locally without any feedback to google (except general anonymous analytics data which is not that “scary”)

well it’s an improvement…
basically the tracking is still there but runs locally on your phone, so google only knows this

someone with ip is interested in sports, cats and videogames and is looking to purchase a new monitor

(and the info is sent with every ad request, statelessly) google promises they won’t associate these requests with ip addresses, but I won’t trust them.

instead of a full log like:

user x with tracking id 12345 visited at 10:34:56 PM and stayed there for 35 seconds
user x with tracking id 12345 made a purchase on website and was scrolling through the monitors page for 10 minutes.

it’s still tracking but it sucks less i guess…
and making it a default is probably a great move

(I’d rather opt out of any form of tracking tho)

beuh, they obviously mean that the biometric data is stored and processed locally, not the data that results from that processing.
i mean that’s still kinda creepy but you’re making it seem like they didn’t obviously admit to it in the original sentence.

by software i mean the imap bridge, but i agree that the official client is pretty bad too

yes but they shouldn’t be hiding that fact deep in the settings
also I don’t care about encryption and stuff if it prevents me from using my favorite mail client without installing their bridge software

yes, permanently. I hit that little x a year ago and haven’t seen this little ad thing ever since

proton requires them to use their software and adds a footer with protonmail ads to all of your emails without an option to disable it without paying up

you don’t need ublock to remove it, just hover over it and press a cross button. it permanently dismisses ALL copilot ads.

  1. it’s not intrusive
  2. it can be dismissed in one click, and this hides these ads everywhere and permanently

it can install packages and manage their dependencies. (package dependencies are experimental tho) (so what part of it is “not really a package manager”

i use sync. there’s nothing even close to the quality of the client. (The onlt client that implements material you in a fun and usable way, sync is usable one-handed)
I had been using Liftoff for a while (before switching to Sync as soon as it came out), which i quite liked but it feels a lot worse than sync

  1. firefox were using self-hosted mercurial + git with sync
  2. they just dropped mercurial, they’re still not on github
    only misc. libraries and the android frontend are on github, and firefox/mozilla has never used gitlab

isn’t the official gitlab instance primarily a paid platform? cc verification makes sense then.

nextds, feels almost like a pihole but unnecessarily crippled in some ways, which don’t really matter to me.

aka S0 sleep/Modern Standby.
It has some legitimate benefits like returning from sleep immediately. Kinda want it on linux but without all the telemetry crap (but it’s really, really hard to pull of at an OS level)

do you have one with 2.4ghz receiver?
like one of the plug and connect; no pairing required ones?
yeah these are garbage…

get something like mi tv box and flash it with aosp

well at least they provide this as an option. usually if you lose your 2fa, hardware keys (such as android phones) AND recovery codes, your account is gone. period.
there’s literally no other way to confirm your identity without something like id or a credit card if your credentials are gone.

web env. integrity is not as bad as people make it out to be.
yeah I absolutely agree that it’s terrible and also a bad idea (we don’t need MORE drm in our browsers, I’m looking at you, Widevine (although firefox worked around it by running drm in an isolated container)), but it’s main purpose is to detect automated requests and effectively block web scraping with a drm system (it ensures two things: your useragent can be trusted and you’re a real non-automated user), NOT detect ad blockers. It doesn’t prevent web pages from being modified like some people are saying.
there’s a lot of misleading information about the api as it doesn’t “verify integrity” of the web page/DOM itself.

it works by creating a token that a server can verify, for example when a user creates a new post. If the token is invalid, server may reject your attempt to do an action you’re trying to perform. (this will probably just lead to a forced captcha in browsers that don’t support it…)

Also, here’s a solution: Just don’t use Chrome or any Chromium-based browsers.

I don’t think it’s a good idea, but the post is extremely misleading

you misunderstood it tbh.
it’s supposed to be used as a way to skip bot verification if the requests are signed by a drm system which includes your unique id (coming from google account or google play id), and one of the goals of the actual proposal is keeping existing extension working AND keeping web pages working without drm.
of course i don’t want any drm in my browser, but it’s kinda already there anyway…
it will likely make the experience worse for non-drm users because they will get hit by more advanced and sensitive bot verification systems or rate limits which is kinda bad but not the end of the world.
y’all are just overreacting and spreading pure bullshit.
it’s not even supposed to be used to verify DOM elements, just that the user is using an official Chrome/Chromium browser, and is not automated.
basically it’s just SafetyNet.
it will not kill js addons.