Migrated here from my old account at lemmy.fmhy.ml

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


I was forced into using a Fitbit last year, and I instantly went back to my Samsung Galaxy watch when I got the chance. Samsung Health is annoying on iOS, but at least you don’t need to send all your data to Samsung in order to use it

I know that hCaptcha has a system where they send you an email containing a link to a page, which will set a cookie in your browser telling the CAPTCHA to auto-flag you as verified.

Of course, good luck if your browser blocks third-party cookies, you don’t browse in incognito mode, or if your screen reader can interact with the CAPTCHA to get the link in the first place…

Well, I’m beginning to regret using ZeroTier for my setup now 🙁

Damn, that’s a shame. I guess I’ll stick to bookmarking Piped

Any iOS alternatives to NewPipe?
Yattee has recently dropped support for iOS 14, and was already extremely buggy to begin with. I currently use the uYou tweak on YouTube, but it isn't as private. Are there any native alternatives that don't involve a PWA?

Age-restricted content seems to work on Piped.video - maybe they patched it just now?

Huh, interesting that VPNs work in China. I thought the GFW aggressively throttled encrypted connections?