• 1 Post
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 19, 2024


My opinion: it’s good. I would use it on a daily basis if someone would ask me to text on it with her. But I’d never ask someone else to use it because there are, in my opinion, better options like matrix and signal which I mandate people to use.

Who are the donors? Signal costs a lot of money to operate. Who gave it the funds to operate?

If you don’t know that, maybe you should start researching before writing a blog post. I’m not doing that part for you because you were to lazy/dumb.

  1. Company buys 1000 clicks
  2. Adnauseam user click on 100 of them
  3. Company only bought 900 real clicks
  4. If 1% of the people who click, buy, then they only get 9 buyers instead of 10
  5. Company observes that 0.9% of people who click, actually buy
  6. A click isn’t as valuably as before.
  7. To generate 10 clicks, the company has to buy 1100 clicks in order to get the 10 paying customers in order to finance the ads
  8. More ads lead ro more people using adblocker, the more adblock users, the more adnauseam users. The more adnauseam users, the less valuable the ads.
  9. adnauseam usera click more often and faster on ads. If there is a critical mass of adnauseam users, the ads become even more worthless as real people do not get the chance of clicking on it, skewing the curve even further.
  10. As ads become useless because people don’t buy after a click, companies stop paying for ads in that space.
  11. Only companies that can differentiate between real users and adnauseam bots like within proprietary apps like tiktok and instagram can generate money.
  12. Is it really that useful?

Good find!

The communication could be better than just that for something that goes offline completely 😅

qwant maps down
For weeks, I can't reach qwant maps anymore. Is it down for you guys as well? Does anyone know anything? There isn't even a mention on their main pages of it anymore. They just purged everything without further notice. Is that the same experience for you? I'm accessing with a VPN from within france.

I didn’t know about that. That’s bad. Is it not even planned?

Like facebooks threads?

Everyone can use it. With reddit’s posts, only reddit can do it.

It’s crazy that reddit doesn’t have to ask everyone if they want to contribute. This shows who owns and controls your posts.

You can use element matrix service ems directly. No need for beeper

I don’t think duolingo is good. But no, best I know is to make your own with anki

You can verify builds on android. That’s just an iphone problem.

Use Grapheneos if you need good security and privacy

Here is trash in my area. You don’t want to use it here

I’ve got an android TV with jellyfin. That’s the best against your problem.