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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


If you’re adding another repo, it’s not vetted by fdroid.

The point of this is that it’s a redirect. The link isn’t taking you to xyz.com, it’s going to abc.com which redirects to xyz.com. The abc.com server redirects to the second link – there’s no way to know where it’ll take you unless you follow it.

It could only know that by navigating to the link in the background. That would have side effects, like them being able to track you even when you don’t click on links.

I’ve used uBlock Origin for years and never knew about this. Just enabled it. Thanks!

Car companies are directly sending this data to the brokers in exchange for “low millions of dollars.” Imagine destroying all consumer trust in a multi-billion dollar brand for so little. I would never even consider buying a GM or any brand involved in this.

Crazy how American gov claims the EU is unfairly targeting American companies… if the American gov did its job to break up these monopolies, the EU wouldn’t need to in the first place!

Codeberg only allows open source licensed code. If you’re working on non-free software you could self host Codeberg’s underlying software, or SourceHut is a different but other good option too.

Mac even had special rules so firewalls (including Little Snitch) couldn’t block access to Apple’s own data collection servers.