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Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2020


Honestly, this is kind of a weird question. It’s Google. They collect all of it. Every picture, every note, every keystroke. All of it.

The answer to "what information does GOOGLE SERVICE collect is always all of it.

What? Facebook is using my data? I thought I could trust them! 😳

… …

I mean, /s if you couldn’t tell.

I’d recommend AMD over Nvidia for a linux laptop, but it’s not as big a deal as it used to be. Most distros have good Nvidia support, although you often have to install the proprietary drivers after installing the OS. Even distros like Nobara that have Nvidia images to DL have to install and update the drivers at first launch.

So either will work, but if you’ve got a choice, go with AMD. It’s just a smoother experience.

Okay. We’ll take that as a given.

I didn’t say they were wrong. I just said they sounded like an old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

And I stand by that.

ETA: okay, I’ll admit that I might have implied they were wrong. Sorry about that.

I went to college at 29. And it really doesn’t matter how old you are, complaining about a younger generation makes you sound old.

Take it from a Gen Xer who’s heard The Greatest, the Boomers, and my own generation do it 😁

MySpace was a big thing while I was in College, which I didn’t start until I was 30 (well, 29). I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was. You got a hideous web page, whoopdie-doo.

None of the “big” social media has ever much appealed to me. I was on Facebook for a while, and I’ll admit it was kinda nice to see how people I went to high school with were doing, but I just never cared that much.

I’m kinda stuck with it because of a group chat my friends have, otherwise I’d never bother.

I hate Gen Z

Dude. I have a group that only talks on Facebook Messenger. It’s 100% Gen X and Millennials. Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

I’m kinda ambivalent about Brave. They’re a bit too into crypto for my comfort, but the search works well and the browser seems to do what it’s meant to.

I don’t use Brave though. I use Firefox (or a derivative) or Gnome Web. If a site doesn’t work in either of those I don’t use that site.

I’m just not willing to contribute the Blink monopoly.