Father, Hacker (Information Security Professional), Open Source Software Developer, Inventor, and 3D printing enthusiast

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Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


The last commit to beepsaver was over a year ago and there’s no mechanism to submit scores to anything like BeatLeader (https://www.beatleader.xyz/u/76561198133136058)

I’m sure a better Beat Saber clone will come out some day but without a global leaderboard and support for replays it’s unlikely to ever get much adoption (amongst the fanatics anyway, haha)

Oh please be a stand-alone VR headset. I’m so sick of Meta’s awful software!

I have modded Beat Saber and you’d think it would be easy to keep your maps/replays synchronized with your computer. Nope! It’s a huge, manual pain in the ass.

If it was running SteamOS I could just create a cron job or systemd timer and have it auto-sync whenever I turned it on. It would be trivial!

Mozilla Foundation is kept alive with Google money, for the express purpose of being able to show there’s an alternative and that Chrome is not technically a monopoly.

Circa 1997: Apple, Inc is kept alive with Microsoft money ($150 million), for the express purpose of being able to show there’s an alternative and that Windows is not technically a monopoly.