This account is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Governments do the dumbest mental gymnastics to mark groups and individuals as undesireables.

All of the chargers I’ve seen have ads on them.

So I can NOT access old.reddit anymore on any of my linux machines with firefox and nordvpn extension, but I can access both old and new on windows with firefox and extension, and old on android with FF mobile and nordvpn app. Haven’t tried new on android for obvious reasons.

Your meter could use some work but it sings well enough

The same assholes riding a new horse and as usual everyone wants to blame the horse.

Craftopia, the company’s previous game, has been in early access for four years. I don’t think this game is getting a release either.