Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


So mad at them for cancelling that. It was a bright spot in a bleak landscape at the time.

“Hey let’s make a game for nerds and ignore the OS with a dramatically higher uptake among nerds”

Sure, but there are thousands of games. Tons of options. Meh. I already have more than I could play in my lifetime.

Low-key yeah for gaming. Depending on the games. Some benchmarks are coming back with sizeable performance boosts under the (better-optimized) Linux in some scenarios despite the API layer of Wine.

My personal benchmark is $1/hr; so my question is, will I get 38 ($CAD) hours of enjoyment out of it eventually? I think I almost certainly will, this kind of game is pretty on brand for me.

Sometimes you have to choose between what is convenient and what is right, and sometimes that means giving things up. But not everyone is willing or able to do that. It’s fine, do what you feel you need to.

I have noticed my library fail to render, requiring a restart of steam. Enshittification is the wrong word though, I don’t think steam is trying to monetize us any more than usual.