
Linux and FLOSS enthusiast, trying to unplug myself from the net by selfhosting. Enfasis on trying.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I agree but I find blockchain technology too costly hardwarewise, a simple anonimizing network may be enough

Well then, just use an anonymus service to distribute magnet links (i2p, tor, blockchain)

You don’t need blockchain to accomplish what the internet archive is, just a network of computers that share a part of their disk space to the other computers. This is just a torrent network at the end of the day

Yes, I don’t deny that, I thought the javascript in the image was presented as the offending code that checks for the browser before giving the delay

I think the function in the image only checks for firefox browser and not Edge. It explicitly returns false if it finds Edge in your user agent.

Hopefully youtube only checks the user agent which can be changed with just a few clicks using an addon.

I’m not really sure, I haven’t used it. In fairness, I only use librewolf for incognito searches, not as a daily driver

It has included some privacy measures to resist fingerprinting like letterboxing and has more privacy focused search engines as default like searx. Also it takes out some firefox utilities like pocket which I don’t really use

As for Mullwav browser I’m not really sure, it seems to be another reinforced firefox like librewolf

For incognito browsing I recommend Librewolf, a firefox fork. If you want anything more secure, you should start looking into tor

If the audio doesn’t work, I want to be sure it is because of me, not some tech-suit trying to make me pay more for their rubbish services

It says that Netflix doesn’t share data with third parties, it could be they just use the data they collect internally to recommend more content