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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Njalla - you can pay in crypto and they are privacy focused

They have VPSs as well but I don’t know if they are any good price wise

I just self hosted everything I needed and dl my fav YouTube channels’ videos to my server

I use internet on my phone to look up something every now and then and I’ll browse lemmy for a bit if I get bored

Other than that I don’t really use the internet outside of essential stuff like banking and emailing

I tried cs2 and got my ass handed to me in every single game, maybe I’m not a gamer anymore lol

Glad to see bigger windows is a thing now

Cloudflare for self hosted services
I’ve been using cloudflare for dynamic dns for my self hosted nextcloud, audio book service and matrix server, but I’m trying to get away from depending on a big tech company. What alternative can I use? Can I host my own service?

Check temps of your hardware, check power cables inside the PC as well, then have a look at the system logs

Only interested in this when they have support for rclone, they didn’t last time I checked

Is the game full screen exclusive or window border less?