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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


As true as that is, we’re talking about photos of a newborn infant. Like for real, who would intentionally leak photos of a newborn?

Oh yeah, that’s right, artificial intelligence!

Don’t feed the online machine, take the photos into a print shop via USB flash drive, and I’m pretty sure anyone with a soul will have respect for family privacy.

Not so with online cloud services though ☹️

Maybe don’t share online?

We have a printing center in my area that prints high quality full color photos for 75 cents a page.

Indeed. I use Léon on Android, very straightforward, open source, and easy to install and configure…


LOL, go for it, I gave Walmart the name ‘Anonymous Human’, as if I was gonna give them a real name… 😂🤣

This one isn’t for daily private use, more like a throwaway email service for when sites and services have no earthly business asking your email other than to track you and send junk mail…


Edit: You don’t even have to register an account with them, just make up an email with them and it should just work for most sites.

I use irrelevant at dispostable dot com to use Walmart’s free WiFi, the password on Walmart’s side is Walmart1 hahahaha!

I never suggested any such thing. I mean only to wrap the cellular module in metal screen, not the entire vehicle.

Have you not heard of the chip in the hand? It’ll be an aluminum foil glove silly.

Unless you volunteer yourself for unnecessary brain surgery…

Seal it in lead then, what you want from me?

I’m just spitballing a possible solution here…

Who said the computer components you’re looking for are in the dash? I mean I’ll be honest, I dunno about these modern vehicles, but vehicles I’ve worked on in the past have the main computer in weird unexpected places like under the driver’s seat or in the passenger side cowell area.

I do get your point though, yes such modifications might be simple on paper, but cost quite a bit in labor to actually accomplish.

Regardless, I’ve done dashboards too, even drove my car around for a day with the entire dash completely missing, because I needed to drive it to the store during service that took me two days.

Hooray for dumb cars!

Then block the signal with a Faraday Cage.

I see I’m getting downvoted for my comments about this, but the vehicle will not fail due to a lack of internet connection. Otherwise your vehicle would brick itself anytime you drive through a tunnel.

Go ahead, look it up. It’s about as simple as wrapping the cellular device with metal screen.

What happens when/if we hopefully get our right to repair our own shit back?

R2R, Louis Rossmann!

We should all try to fight the good cause.

Do you not understand what a Faraday Cage is or does? It literally blocks radio frequencies.

Cover the module in a metal screen, block any and all data transmission and reception, without even altering the electronics.

And the vehicle ain’t got much other choice but to keep functioning as expected anyways, as it’s expected to have signal loss at times anyways.

Edit: If you think losing internet connection is gonna break your vehicle, well God forbid you ever drive through a tunnel…

I’ve had a thought I’d love to have a chance to try one day…

I’d like to see about not only disconnecting the antenna, but also basically wrap the cellular circuit module in metal screen, basically a crude Faraday Cage.

I’ve never had any chance to try such a thing, but I can only imagine it would probably do the trick.

Edit: For those that believe this will cause the vehicle to malfunction or even brick itself, have you never drove through a tunnel and found you lost Internet? Your vehicle won’t stop functioning just because it lost Internet, it literally cannot do that.

That would be like the absolutely most unsafe thing any vehicle could ever do, to stop functioning because of an internet connection failure.

My heart poops into my liver.

Please don’t tell Google though.

I know right?..

Like, ‘How often do you poop and where?’