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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Could’t find any custom roms but you could try this (originally made for a12 but should work for all A series phones)

CalyxOS only supports pixel, fairphone, and shift

Not even xiaomi which is widely considered moddable

There are many reasons to hate samsung, calyxOS lack of support is not one of them

Posted from my samsung phone running degoogled lineageOS

It is very possible, samsung only locks down phones in northern america (where they’re forced by the carriers)

You can use the leaked official tool (odin) or the foss reverse-engineered heimdall

I think that’s when the hack got patched :(

The best would be to hack the bootloader and install degoogled android

iOS is a black box so we don’t know what spyware there is

only iphone android port I’m aware of

I love unencrypted messages 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

FOLLOW THE RULES!!! Give me the virus!!!