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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024


I swear in SMS on the daily, and have shared videos of pro-Palestine protests via sms also. I’m a bit dubious. I did read the article, and it sounds like one carrier-specific issue, and (unsurprisingly) MS allowing enterprise customers to control what is said on Teams.

So two examples that are each either platform or carrier specific.

This is a weird response to me.

This is the way. And I might add, Unix desktop.

Sure man, rock on. ✊

Let’s not start bikeshedding between FOSS Unix distributions out of dogmatic reasons (I’m sure you didn’t mean to specifically single out “Linux” here

Eh… OP seems to be talking about their own setup. They probably “singled out” Linux because it’s what they use.

I wish we would stop opposing “Linux” and other Unixes like BSD, Illumos, etc).

I oppose none of those things, but Linux isn’t Unix.

(Usually the Unix folks are the ones at pains to point that out.)

What’s the upside over self-hosted (and encrypted) Trilium, which is what I currently use? (I ask this not as a challenge, but out of curiosity.)

Trilium? I don’t know your requirements are, but it’s what I use for about 3 years now. Self hosted sync server, browser or local client, encryption, and no third party services.


My point here is not overtly about Privacy. It’s about recognizing that Meta has been a terrible corporate citizen for their entire existence. We shouldn’t be pretending they are some friendly geeky company that just wants to participate like the rest of us. Even if they were, that’s not possible when you are going to pour hundreds of millions of users into these fediverse spaces all at once.

They will exploit the fediverse to the maximum extent they can, and we should not be voluntarily accompanying them.

Maybe the idea is to show the folks who keep complaining about defederating from Threads that they either don’t know or have forgotten just exactly what kind of company Meta is.

Ah thanks for the reply, and sorry I couldn’t solve any of your issues. 🙂

I’ve been spoilt by having a server doing the heavy lifting of refreshing my podcasts. It’s a minor annoyance that I need to wait approx. 1.5 second per feed to refresh. It’s just the way it is.

In the podcast settings for each podcast, does “Keep Updated” not handle this for you? I don’t think I ever manually refresh my podcasts. Apologies if I’m misunderstanding.

Antennapod has a weird separation between new episodes (inbox) and what you’re listening to now (queue). PC has that abstracted away where you only have to check one place for your podcasts.

I don’t like the queue myself, though possibly for different reasons than you. Again possibly misunderstanding your concern, but I have “Enqueue Downloaded” and “Continuous Playback” both disabled in the Antennapod settings, and I just pretend the queue doesn’t exist.

Just throwing those things out there in the hopes they may help.

I probably described it poorly.

It’s nothing that exotic. I use it as MFA for a few different accounts as I assume anyone who has one does. :)

Using one easy example, I have myname@anemailprovideryouveheardof.com set up and I can clearly see “myname@anemailprovideryouveheardof.com” as a linked account on my yubikey on any device. I can’t do anything with it, but I see my username in the format shown above, and the one time code counting down.

I don’t actually know why I haven’t gone to their support - hadn’t thought about it for awhile until reading this thread, so that’s a good suggestion and will do.

Oh yeah it clearly seems a bad idea to me, which is why I’m assuming error on my part. 100% though I took an unrelated phone, installed the yubico app, slapped my nfc yubikey up to it, and could see my accounts listed.

If you put the yubico authenticator on another device you are back in business. If your phone is not literally your only computing device just install the desktop app. My problem with it (also a noob) is that apparently ANYONE can pick up your yubikey when you lose it, fire up the yubico app on their phone and learn what accounts you have protected with it. I’m guessing this is due to a config error on my part, but so far I have not found a solution.

If you don’t mind, maybe you can answer this question for me. I finally jumped on the Yubikey train recently, added a couple accounts, no problem. But then I noticed apparently I can connect my key to any random install of the authenticator app on any device, and it will show the accounts I have protected with that key.

To me, this means if I lose my key someone can learn a fair bit about who owned that key just from looking at the accounts on their own phone when they find it on the street. Now someone knows I have the account myname@someemailprovider.com (among others) when they didn’t know that before. Etc.

I have googled unsuccessfully to find out if for some reason this is less of a problem than I feel like it is, or if it can be masked somehow, but my keyword choices must have been poor.

Do you have any opinion on this? I googled specifically if it would allow you to set a PIN to unmask that info or similar, but the PIN articles I found seemed to relate to something else.

I’ve never used Glassdoor but I know people who have. Seems like a great way for them to destroy their own business.

Even if I were inclined to do so, I would absolutely NOT do so if I had to provide my real name. They will be the one company to never ever get their user db hacked/leaked, right? I can trust all current and future executives there to safeguard that info, right?

I can’t see how anyone with legit negative things to say against a current employer is going to feel comfortable using the service going forward. When enshittification bites back!

Would make Richard Stallman smile :)

If this is a closed source project, that statement doesn’t work even as a joke.

However, the screenshots looked good. :)

Closed source

Yeah, not sure how they can include that line about Stallman with a straight face. That’s almost libel.

I wonder what a distributed search engine would look like.

Isn’t that what Searx is/can be?


I admit it’s not something I’ve looked closely at.

If you have a car that uses cellular for in-car wifi or any other services (such as Onstar or competing services) that’s the way. And it’s possible (though I have no idea if it’s done) that they could include a cellular connection that isn’t available to you as the customer, but is used only for this purpose.

If you have any car with a modern suite of entertainment/nav/tech packages (which you personally do not I get that) you are a victim of this.


That’s another good one! Thanks for reminding me of it! Kind of ironically I read most of that book while hiding from my job (that’s a story) in the bathroom for short periods of time in my early twenties.

I keep telling my zoomer son he needs to read 1984. Not to live his life in fear of it, but to help his awareness of it, and provide an example of what that sort of societal control can look like. It’s probably the one thing I nag him about. 5 years later he still hasn’t read it. lol

I haven’t read it in decades, but I still feel it’s hard to miss certain parallels with modern reality when you have.