i meow at the moon

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Yeah…that happens, but from my experience it works a lot of times

Try turning off JavaScript when ur faced with an overlaying paywall

Might I add brave’s BAT wallet is garbage. You had to sign up to some random exchange and upload your ID (I didn’t), but even that you couldn’t even backup your wallet into a new install, so hope that you would never have to format or reinstall or change devices - it’ll be a pain to restore, if it was even possible.

Firefox over brave any day.

ya. I was confused at first because i went to try it out but no f-droid or any other way of getting it?

That’s a more detailed explanation thanks. The OP explanation was helpful for someone who hasn’t really looked into how it functions.

Is there some sort of judiciary at the EU level or is the robustness of laws tested in national contexts?

thank you for that brief explanation, didn’t really know the difference between the two branches(is that what they call em?)

That is absolutely disgusting. How can i take a news organization seriously if they think this is suitable form of consuming their news?

why are they trying to restrict and control the internet? on the plus side I guess I’ll go outside more, touch grass, forget this crap exists and enjoy other facets of life. It’s just sad to see it be transformed into this pile of crap.

You’re right, why are we allowing the internet be be monopolized like this? it is futile because we’re basically giving up all control and forming a dependence on these few select tech companies.

It’s truly this simple and very liberating to be reminded of this.

How about we go a step further and save them the labor; just announce to me your intent on implementing DRM on websites, out of all things, and I’d just block my devices from visiting that entire site because why waste my time.

Many of these tech or media companies need us more than we need them.

People can see who down votes their comments? Or servers/instances have the ability to know?