• 1 Post
Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 15, 2024


I mean efficient clients that are both easy for non-techy ppl and their 4GB of RAM.

Looks like it’s got same problems as Matrix does (despite architecture diffirences).

Anone heard about it? Anything bad about security? I've checked speeds with my friend, the're quite good, file transfer speed is insane compared to signal.

Non-native english speakers tend to mix up various styles, you could ask somone to paraphrase your text.

I’ve spent a great deal of time on 4chan and i can say that both content and style matches.

I see one use-case, If you’re going w/ sth illegal as hell to a place where you might get arrested and searched for just being there i.e a protest, nuking your (illegal) data might save your ass.

Why those coders haveto do a new app instead of doing work on briar?

I’ve just finished 50 minute podcast via piped, worked just fine, recommend you to use some obscure instance and it works great.

KOreader is great, but use muPDF if you don’t want to learn

Looks like another govt relying on majority that has no idea about how internet works. It won’t stop kids, but pr0n sites and their partners will certainly get richer.