• 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


I only use Thunderbird calendar for myself so I don’t know. Proton includes a calendar offering in their package but I have not tried it yet.

See above. Plus I use Thunderbird for calendar.

Proton for email and cloud storage. Graphenos on a pixel 7a for phone. Phone spps from aurora and fdroid. Kagi.com paid search engine too.

I deleted my google accounts today
It took a few months preparation but I deleted all my google accounts today, and it feels good.

Yes, dual boot. It is a Dell Optiplex. Windows re-enables devices disabled in device manager.

I do that as well. I just use dual boot windows for samsung disk tools and logitech software. Couldn’t get either to work in a vm.

Thanks for the list. I will try the mac address block on the router idea for windows and set a non default mac address when linux boots.

Adguard/pihole style blocklist to block microsoft web sites
I am trying to block all connections to microsoft ip addresses. I only occasionaly boot windows and don't want it phoning home. I tried disabling the net interfaces in device manager but windows just re-enables them and send god only knows what back to their servers. I don't like relying on disconnecting the ethernet cable each time I boot windows because I forget to.

Proton plus here too. I use the vpn, 500gb drive for backups, and have set up my own domain name email. I tried their password manager but didnt like it at all. I dont think it is ready yet.

nvidia-smi gives info about gpu usage and drivers in use.