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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 21, 2021


I’ve been using xmpp for several years now. Even running my own server for family and friends. It’s a great feeling to be fully independent imho.

I’ve used a Bluetooth heart monitor worn around the chest (was around 20 $ ten years ago) to measure the heart rate before. It works well with open tracks and should be more reliable compared to a device worn around the wrist. I am not sure the gps tracker on a watch works be better than the one on your phone anyways. It might be a problem with your phone killing background apps like opentracks. Check https://dontkillmyapp.com before pulling the plug on a new device.

If you do not need the nfc cabability of your cards, just his them in front of a bright lamp, see where the cables run and cut the card with a scissor. Apply transparent tape over the cut and you have a privacy respecting card again. It’s what I always do as my bank offers no service to disable nfc.

Disco elysium is considered one of the best crpgs ever made. Be aware though, it’s devoid of combat and more in the vain of planescape torment (another great crpg that is focused on telling a story first and foremost). Disco Elysium should be worth 15 euro on its own in my opinion.

I think you are taking about reactions. Dino on the desktop already has them and they will come to conversations as well, if I am not mistaken.

I use the Adblock plugin on an openwrt router to provide blocklists for the whole lan. It works rather weell.

Start here for a good privacy focusef overview of currently available internet messengers:


From the blog entry by the same author:

Cons: no verification of contacs possible at the moment, Increased battery usage compared to other messengers, some client instabilities, no full security audit.

Apart from these points the messenger should be secure and privacy friendly.

I prefer the conversations (xmpp) messenger at the moment. It’s using a well established and lightweight protocol (20 years old already)

I would love to use jmp.chat for calls and sms, but it’s not affordable in most European countries at the moment.