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Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


i think this one might, actually. When the EU passes a law like this, each member state passes it into their own national law, and so if these cookies laws were implemented before the UK left the EU they’d likely still be there

they’re both good but I use mullvad only because I use proton for email and I don’t want one company to have both my emails and web traffic

I disagree that those are the only options, even in the video we are commenting on they name some others

I don’t like Microsoft either and I’m not sure the relevance of you bringing this up, is this trolling?

Brave has an openly homophobic founder, it’s weird to me that they’d mention the crypto issues and not this

Thanks, I’ve been using proton on my custom domains so far, who seem to support catch all email addresses*, although I’d love also to have a feature where I could cut off an email if it gets too spammy, I think I’ve seen that on some other alias services. Do you know if that’s something simple login can do?

Some banks (I don’t have a list but I know revolut is one) can provide single-use card numbers, but they don’t limit the amounts and ofc cannot be used for subscription services