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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah, but that’s just the kernel. Anything above that (window manager, the utilities that they didn’t outright copy from BSD, apps, …) is basically closed source.

One thing it claimed was the ability to rewrite copy. Basically finally an improvement over spellcheck which has been the same for like 20 years. Would be nice to have something better built into the OS in every text field.

You could also have stuff like suggestions in your terminal when you’re starting to write a command based on what’s in the man pages and the layout of your filesystem.

That’s really only in theory. I don’t think there’s any country where the government does what the polis wants in every instance.

Thanks, I didn’t know about this, have been using ‘i don’t care about cookies’ for ages. Mozilla should really let us know if an extension gets acquired.

You can create a new account with email, yes. Transferring to another oauth provider or to classic email login is not something you can easily do.

I think it might be difficult if you used oauth to create the account. In most cases your account will just continue to be tied to that oauth provider.

You’re most likely logged into the browser with your Google account in Chrome. I’m sure they take that into account as well.

I run it on a pretty old PC and it mostly runs fine. I do get audio stuttering sometimes, but I think that might have something to do with having it installed on a HDD instead of an SSD.