The rights everyone should have is irrelevant to the reality. You can’t steal a sandwich and be like “everyone should have the right to food!”. I mean you can, but you’ll still be punished.
Is this the hill for this kid to die on? Probably not. If they were trying to change the system for everyone to be more just, maybe.
You’re going to get in trouble and it’s not worth it.
Don’t do personal stuff on their network. What are you even trying to look at via the school network?
If you’re concerned about privacy while doing school stuff, use another device, or maybe a VM. Do they provide computers for students?
You might get off with a warning because you’re young (I assume you’re like 16), but bypassing network security stuff as an adult at work will often get you fired.
Tinfoil hat time! Also written thinking more about the US, where this sort of thing is also a growing topic.
Perhaps this government anti-porn law stuff is backed by people who actually want to dismantle government altogether. And not in a fun Communist way but in a privatize everything, corporate serfdom way.
By pushing for the government to do stupid and unpopular things, they can get people mad at the very concept of government. They can then use that to dismantle things like nationalized health care, fire departments, whatever.
Ok tinfoil hat time.
Perhaps this government anti-porn law stuff is backed by people who actually want to dismantle government altogether. And not in a fun Communist way but in a privatize everything, corporate serfdom way.
By pushing for the government to do stupid and unpopular things, they can get people mad at the very concept of government. They can then use that to dismantle things like nationalized health care, fire departments, whatever.
I want to get off Google photos, but I also don’t want to pay a subscription. And I don’t really want to self host. A pay once service I’d accept, but I haven’t seen one with an extremely cursory search. I don’t need any fancy features. Just store the photos, let me see them online, and let me put them in albums.
I’m pretty sure google is more like many small fiefdoms fighting for money and prestige than a unified pack of moustache twirlers. Though there do seem to be a lot of “head up their own ass” engineers there, too, which leads to things like them having 15 different messaging apps and an inability to maintain projects long term.
I think about this sometimes. Also sometimes I like to just give my fingers a wiggle to cherish that I can just, like, do that. I was in a bad bike accident a couple years ago (no serious lasting harm) and when I was on the ground right after I was like “oh no oh no ok ok extremity check can I still move everything?”