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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


If its free, then you are the product

Right. I get that. But I’d like to just pay once. I don’t like subscriptions. But since file storage has ongoing costs, it seems unlikely anyone would offer a pay-once-and-we’ll-host-your-files.

I want to get off Google photos, but I also don’t want to pay a subscription. And I don’t really want to self host. A pay once service I’d accept, but I haven’t seen one with an extremely cursory search. I don’t need any fancy features. Just store the photos, let me see them online, and let me put them in albums.

I’m pretty sure google is more like many small fiefdoms fighting for money and prestige than a unified pack of moustache twirlers. Though there do seem to be a lot of “head up their own ass” engineers there, too, which leads to things like them having 15 different messaging apps and an inability to maintain projects long term.