• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I’m currently using thorium as an appimage and it is god enough. But to be honest if you want privacy use Firefox or a fork of it.

You should be able to use pretty much any Bluetooth controller just try to avoid the Bluetooth low Energie LE controller my stadia controller that i resenty bought doesn’t work on many distos Nobara no problem if you use arch forget it

The APP from my local kebab Restaurant it uses googleplay services and i refuse to install even if it is sandboxed

I just want to use a email provider who I can trust

what E-Mail provider do you use and why
I'm currently still using gmail unfortunately Cock.li (airmail.cc)looks very nice but it is invite only

Make shure that your distro is relatively up to date when I tryed to install graphene from KDE neon (ubuntu lts) it won’t work because my my tools were out of date

I will i also will check holo ISO and See if there is something diffrent

so i found somehow this project what seems to work on supporting the controller https://github.com/ndeadly/MissionControl/issues/568

I also found this artikel over at phoronix that the rumble support will be added in kernel version 6.6 https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.6-Stadia-Controller-FF

Gaming with google stadia controller on Linux
Hello Guys I resently bought a google stadia controller used for 15€ with the bluetooth firmware enabled The only problem I have with it is support on the distros I dailydrive Arch I followed the arch wiki but there was a lot missing about this controller. The only distro I found to work out of the box was nobara I search a bit in the preinstalled packages and the only few outlier i found were Networkmanager from the fedora-update repo and nobara-controller-config from the nobara-baseos repo Does anyone have a idear how I could get the contoller to work on my Arch installed? It is possiable to archive this on arch because I saw other people get it to work on the steam deck what runs a arch based os I would appreciate any help

It exists a similar tracker to the airtag by Samsung but idk if you can trust them anymore than apple. I have a 9 year old step sis and with her we have had problems with her because we couldn’t track her. In her school phones arent allowed at all. My mother and my stepdad really doesn’t care about privacy or security their use windows China phones etc. they usually use an app provided by google " family " I think it is called there thy can also lock up the phone etc.

I am glad that I don’t have the problems to be honest with you. What I would do is to look for a device that can do the job for me were the server can be selfe hosted. If literally nothing exist I would try “do it myself”

If you selfhost a nextcloud yourself this will be easier idk to be honest if this is up to date anymore and if its real time but check https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/phonetrack Set it up and glue if possible a small phone that you trust on your girl and you are ready to go

Alternatively look for a mini pcib PC like a raspberry pi zero or something like it put somehow a Sim card in there and get it to work (good luck with that). Program a software that pings your server once per minute or every two. Then you would have to make a case were you can put your mini tracker and a powerbank into. And hang this device to a belt that your girl would have to were

I know that is a very stupit way but hey more private it cant get

It will matter if your packages are so out of date that you can’t run any games on it. Had this issue when I used KDE neon what uses an Ubuntu LTS release

Good point but to be honest I just compile my stuff from source so that I can get the newest version of the software the security aspect is forms at leased a nice side benefit. In distros like Debian I can see the complications with the newer completed packages but with rolling release distros never experiencessed some problems with that.

If you cant compile it don’t install it

Is this the steam ui? With the flatpak itdoesn only work on the site but not onthee top and bottom