• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Yeah, I just tried it out and it works really well. Even works with AnySoftKeyboard.

Voice Input Privacy Concerns on GrapheneOS?
Any privacy concerns with using the [futo-whisper open source voice library](https://github.com/lrq3000/futo-voiceinput-whisper)? I was able to add their [apk repo](https://app.futo.org/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=39d47869d29cbfce4691d9f7e6946a7b6d7e6ff4883497e6e675744ecdfa6d6d) to Droidify, but am hesitant to install Futo Voice Input. Although it looks like it integrates nicely with OpenBoard. The other option is to install Sayboard, which works with the native Graphene keyboard. Although OpenBoard with Futo Voice looks like a more streamlined experience, IMHO. Any thoughts on privacy here?

I liked the small circular QS buttons best from everything they’ve put out so far. If they brought those back and had an option to remove the button titles, I’d be happy.

I tried Shizuku and was able to get it to work with Better Internet Tiles, which allowed me to split out the Data and WiFi tiles. When I tried Fabricate Overlay, it kept crashing when I went to save the overlay.

How do you edit the config.xml file that you suggested? Does that require root?

How’d you edit the menu? I don’t have a option to separate those buttons natively on GrapheneOS/A13.

Sorry, Android 12 added the new Quick Setting tile called “Internet” that combined the Wi-Fi and Mobile Data tiles. Yeah you’re right, I had big square QS buttons on my old Galaxy S4 but when I switched to Pixel it had the small circular buttons for a short period.

Are you saying you like the big buttons? Because Android 12 is when they were introduced.

No you don’t. You used to, and then the WiFi and Data buttons were both put under an Internet button. It’s aweful design. All of it.

Yo how'd our hommie sideofburritos get old school quick access on GrapheneOS? Is this just an old version? The video's only a year old! So I'm on GOS Android 13 (aka big dumb quick access button purgatory), totally confused and totally jealous. I can only imagine an out of touch board testing a new android version and telling the developers to make the buttons bigger and dumber while they tell their managers "okay, we can do that" while they die a little inside. This is the most egregious design offense committed in the history of AOSP. Please tell me this can be fixed with System UI Tuner or some other bullshit that doesn't kill my battery life or privacy.

I haven’t tried one, but the banglejs looks comparable to the Pine Time.

Nobody is a user name in the Linux environment. The IP for the port forwarding are to the local host. https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidQuestions/comments/fcg1re/o_found_an_app_called_nobody/

According to Invizible’s instructions, you shouldn’t have to port forward to an external IP. https://invizible.net/en/invizible-and-netguard-firewall/

If your country gets warrant happy, wouldn’t having a VPN in a more privacy friendly or non-five-eyes country be better? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes

When using a VPN, is there a way to make your browser think you’re in your home country?
Web pages were loading in the foreign language my VPN was in, so I tried using a free proxy but couldn't find a reliable way to make that work. Any suggestions?

Do you use Cheogram for messaging? What app do you use for VOIP calls?

Twilio is pumped over at Intel Techniques by Michael Bazzell. They charge $1.15 per month per number, which isn’t bad considering it’s a fairly reputable company. After signing up for a trial number and going through these long instructions, I was able to make an outgoing call. To get MMS going would require a whole other set of steps (that I have yet to find) just to get it setup, and then you have to go through an MMS verification process with Twilio which looks to be geared towards businesses. In fact, Michael also said on episode 277 how Twilio has been less interested in supporting him and his listeners and appears to be more geared towards businesses. So I guess I’ll go bark up one of the other two options from my original post unless someone has any good reasons to do otherwise.

I mainly want it for my resume, rewards programs, and when you go out to eat and they ask for a phone number to text you when your table is ready. Hopefully, I don’t run into any issues with it being a VOIP number in those circumstances.

Currently looking at: * jmp.chat with the Cheogram app - at $3 a month for each number, it's a little pricey. * VoIP.ms with either the linphone app or one of the other FOSS apps in [their softphones list](https://wiki.voip.ms/article/Softphones) - $0.85 a month but calls and messages are a la carte, which is not my favorite but it's less expensive. I know a lot of people like using MySudo or Grandstream, but I'd like to keep it FOSS and not reliant on google play services if possible. Battery considerations are also a plus. So what are you using and would you recommend it?

Here’s a similar post with a lot of comments. Hopefuly that’s helpful. From what I can tell, it’s TINA at the moment.

As a GrapheneOS user, google wallet doesn’t support tap to pay. Would love to see a solution here.

I was using F-droid until last week. Supposedly Droidify has a newer API and auto updates are supposed to work better, but I haven’t noticed a big difference. I still have to go click “update all” as far as I can tell.

Thank you for the feedback. I actually use every OS, so I’m interested in any security and privacy preserving app stores for every OS. I just happen to be going down the Android rabbit hole at the moment. Not to say I wouldn’t be interested to hear where others are at on their journey. Cheers!

Thank you! That’s exactly what I was looking for.

As a GrapheneOS user, I want to make sure I’m not overwriting graphene files with google files.

I'm running GrapheneOS and haven't been able to find any documentation around this. Is this update safe? Any references would help.

Regarding App Lounge, the downloads section in that link says it will only work on their playform. I’m running GrapheneOS.

What’s your favorite privacy/security focused app store?
Has anyone tried [accrescent](https://accrescent.app/)? What's your favorite?

Firefox has one of my favorite privacy extensions that creates containers to group your tabs into, and I haven’t found an equivalent for chrome based browsers: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/

But if you like crypto, I’d go with Brave. Firefox recently broke a bunch of browser wallet / hardware wallet integrations by ditching U2F on the latest release without giving any of the big wallet programmers a heads up.