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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


This was particularly visible on far right subreddits where they began heavily recommending yandex. Because that makes sense. Swapping from a privacy-centric search engine to a literal Russian propaganda conveyor belt? Yeah, sure. No clue how many bit the bait.

iOS requires each network to individually be randomized, there’s no singular setting, unfortunately.

Your phone simply being in the store with Wi-Fi enabled makes you personally identifiable. A request for your email when they have your location, shopping habits, taste in electronics, estimated address, browsing habits, and your full appearance isn’t shocking. That no one has pointed this out yet is a bit eye opening.

That sounds incredible! The game used to be so barebones and unoptimized that it was essentially a balancing act between efficiency in the game and efficiency in processing it.

Is the steam game still a fight against the frame rate or can I let a hundred cats breed in my fortress without restarting?

Cliffsnotes: adblockers are ruining the internet!

they’re a response to the internet being ruined. Self served ads are the only way forward.

The internet is ruined? See? Adblockers already ruined it.

It was a young person without a grasp on the situation and only a very cursory understanding of what caused adblockers to become popular. They were as much trying to convince themselves as me, and the argument frankly made me nostalgic.

To the user in this community who argued that adblockers are killing the internet, lol. Lmao, even. Enjoy your attack vector, buddy.

I ninja’d you. It’s black people. They deployed drones because of black people. If police weren’t so eager to fit their stereotype, this would almost be unexpected.

Pretty sure you own ~100 feet above, 20 feet below and nothing further. If the police stay above a hundred feet then there’s no legal recourse for their spying. And now I’m going to read the article to learn why they’re spying on peoples’ 9/11 parties.

Edit: “an annual Caribbean festival marking the end of slavery that brings thousands of revelers”

Then go the AdNauseum route. Give them such vast sums of information to sift through that it’s nearly useless to pick through any specific piece. Hotstrings would make the task much more painless, and save you dozens of hours per year once you get used to using them in other capacities.

Hoc cognito, ergo dico hoc. Compartmentalize information that you can; create a new email specifically for school, tape over camera when possible, avoid connecting to your other devices, disconnect the battery when possible. Use other devices for sensitive information.

Just checked, invidious is still safe. Relatedly, I hate that every decision that pushed me away from youtube has also brought youtube closer to having positive cash flow. Enshitification flusters me.

And I think the overwhelming majority of us are fine with that. Your response is equal parts facepalmingly ridiculous and nostalgic. I appreciate it in a way you probably won’t understand for a long while.

There were adblockers for Netscape but the esoteric process was uncommon for internet explorer. Look, if you want to understand why we’re all fine with the collapse of the internet into donation-based forums like this one, just check the history of the spread of tracking and malware through ad networks. This will get you started.


There were no adblocking extensions for early internet explorer so consider its share 0.

Adblocking increased at twice the rate of new internet users as a result of certain folks despising the idea of being tracked and/or hacked. If every adblock developer worth looking at weren’t also a security enthusiast, you might have a point.

I’ve spent 20 minutes looking up statistics for a dude who’s very obviously trolling or roleplaying and I hate that. You’ve won, I slightly burned my chicken au jus.




You have it backwards, Adblocking exploded after tracking became commonplace and invasive, and it has only gotten worse on that front. I get the vague impression you weren’t around for the days when malvertising was a chronic threat created exclusively by greedy companies without decent security controls. Bring back dumb ads and I’ll see them. I’m still going to block every form of JavaScript on your site that I can, but I’ll undoubtedly see your banner ads.

If there were an assurance of safety in advertising then I’d be fine with accepting ads. Insurance or somesuch. Credit card stolen by a pickpocket in a crowded street? Cancel, reverse charges, out an hour, a card replacement fee, and a few weeks of fuming as police do nothing. Multiple compromised devices on your network? Tough luck, buddy. Shouldn’t have used a well trusted site. Enjoy your months of confusion and hundreds spent.

I lose nothing from blocking ads. Ads aren’t an experience to try out, as if pusillanimity has something to do with it. When sites go back to stock banner ads, I’m back in.

You are right, I’m sequestering myself by avoiding malvertising on my expensive electronics. If you have any additional tips to aid in sequestering further, I’ll listen to those.

I do feel bad about it on occasion. But then. I remember getting the ol’ rootkit/worm combo from gamefaqs and forgive myself. These sites have long since lost my trust.