• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Then your password (your other, “first” factor) is the only thing preventing an intruder impersonates you.

You’ll still have to go through the hassle the now useless second factor puts you through, so you might as well update your second factor even if you trust your first to be very secure.

It’s also on FDroid

Actually, it doesn’t seem to be there https://search.f-droid.org/?q=futo&lang=en

and available via Obtainium/Github

IDK about obtanium, but IIUC the sources are on their gitlab instance https://gitlab.futo.org/alex/latinime

That sounds a lot like “doesn’t matter what words actually mean. I am right nonetheless”.

…but I’m sure you’ll have some personal definition of “semantics” that will allow you to say you are still right, just like you could say “beggars can’t be choosers” in a context where no one is a beggar and there are in fact lots of viable choices.

If you actually read OP post, they are not asking for the moon and… definitely non “demanding” anything.

IDK about each specific requirement (especially the “inactivity” one, but … dude, just log in every 6 months), but I’d say a lot of “privacy” email providers should meet your needs.

Try looking into Proton mail (warning: you’ll have to setup a local relay if you need IMAP/SMTP) or maybe search the web for something like “privacy email provider free” and look into the results.

It’s pretty easy to find articles confirming the Musk/Signal thing https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=musk+signal&iar=news&ia=news

Of course most of the rest is speculation, but… the article seems honest enough about it?

You should ask the seller to make sure, but I’d assume those cards will require KYC on activation? I mean, if Romania requires KYC it’s difficult to think someone can sell anonymous cards on ebay.

You seem to be describing the US system (or some other common law one… but I believe district attorney is a US-specific term?)…

IDK about other EU countries (I guess they are all the same in this regard?), but in my Italy the public prosecutor has zero discretionary power when it comes to indictment and must, per the Italian Constitution, proceed based on the investigation outcomes. So there is no “help me catch the bigger fish and I’ll only charge you with some minor crime” like in the movies.

So… yes, what you describe can happen to anyone, but it can’t happen just anywhere :)

To be fair: previous generations of police officers, back when most people used phones, have made extensive use of wiretapping (and current policemen still do, of course).

Makes perfect sense to me (not a lawyer, not a US person)… what doesn’t make sense is how many people still think biometric is high security (maybe because of how cool they make it look in the movies?)

Wow: they also go to great lengths to piss off their paying customers.

Anyway, I have no idea if it’s 1080p or not: I can say it looks ok on my phone’s screen, but IDK how to check what the video resolution is

You should be able to run Lineage on the shield (double check the specific model)… maybe you can try that and re-flash the stock OS if it doesn’t work for you.

That’s a great tip! I didn’t know lineage supported Android TV on SBCs

As for Netflix on Lineage: it does work (at least w/ microg - I just tried on my phone), but you won’t find the app in aurora store so you’ll have to source it on apkmirror or the like.

As much as I dislike Google spying on my relatives, I’d rather them be spied by Google than by some Chinese entity (BTW: their spying would probably not be on top of Google’s)

It’s closed-source AFAIK (also, not sure how it is privacy-wise)

You are 100% right: netflix not being open is less than ideal, both from a freedom standpoint and for the privacy implications of it.

However, my 70+yo relative does not care about FOSS or even about their own privacy for that matter… since I, however, do care about their privacy, I’d like to pragmatically find something that may be better than a chromecast privacy-wise, while not being so much worse (or radically different) from it that they’ll ask me to “put the old thingy back - I can’t use this nerdy shit” :)

Looking for FOSS android TV (or something like Kodi, but dumber)
I've been looking for something to replace the google chromecast that is attached to our TV. I've tried Kodi out, but the main use case for the TV set is a 70+ yo person watching netflix and there is just no way they will be better off with Kodi than with the stock netflix app. Besides supporting netflix, being easy to use, and providing significantly better privacy than the chromecast does, the device would ideally: - support other mainstream streaming (amazon, disney, ...) for when my people get tired of netflix - support a DVB-T2 usb stick (directly, or through IPTV: I can put the stick in a different machine) - support youtube without ads (through an adblocker and possibly sponsorblock, or maybe using invidious) - possibly, support local public TV streaming (eg. BBC) I have a PC set aside that should be more than capable enough (intel N100), but I'm open to getting new hardware if needed. Also, it doesn't matter if the system is not very user friendly to setup (eg. if it needs to be nixos), but once it's setup it should be easy to use and relatively straightforward to update/maintain. I guess a FOSS android TV would be ideal, but.. is there any? (I see Lineage supports the Google ADT-3, but that is basically unobtanium, at least where I live).

Didn’t you know? Disabling ad blockers ensures free speech and apparently may also peacefully end the current crisis in the middle east… oh, did I mention it helps with world hunger too?

I wasn’t recommending OP to switch to an 80-character passphrase (see the very first sentence in my comment)… I was just showing that passphrases are about length and not about (real or perceived) randomness how difficult they are to memorize or type.

Also, if I may, one shouldn’t throw terms like “unbreakable” around: security is a game where you trade usability for resilience to attacks and what how much security is enough security depends on your specific circumstances and risk profile… absolute terms like “unbreakable” picture security as something different than the compromise it is and should be left to marketing people.

edit: (see correction above)

“You Know How To Scare Me Shitless” is 33 characters and a decent passphrase on its own.

Base64 brings the length to 44 characters, but you might be better off by just using a longer passwphrase (eg. “You know how to scare me shitless and you do it every day, dear student of mine!” is 80 characters long, not much more difficult to remember that the 33-char one and way easier to type than the 44-char base64 one).

All in all, IMHO base64 is not the best idea.

Yes, but you only really need one (the one that unlocks your password manager) and you’ll quickly learn to type that relatively fast.

I’m curious what the ofgicial definition of “social media” is. Is lemmy social media? What about github or stackoverflow?

You can store attachments and, I think, more sharing feature? Honestly, I too pay to support them.

Interest based ads that everyone who has connected to the same wifi as you will now see

Oh shit

Less-worst android brands?
Since I need to run a few apps that won't work on LineageOS (because dumb developer security stance), I need to buy a "regular" android device that includes all the google "services". Ideally, it should be a cheap second-hand phone that will still receive security updates for a long time. Are there bands that are better (well, "less worse") than others from a privacy perspective?