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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Right now I’m just using Cromite on mobile and Firefox on desktop. Not having sync sucks though. No Bitwarden auto fill support on Cromite yet either (though it should be coming soon). I still have FireFox installed on my phone as a backup.

Are they going to ban LGBT people from the internet like the US is trying to do?

In general, you should use as few as possible.

On FireFox browser, the best privacy extension is uBlock Origin. I wouldn’t use any other extension for ad blocking or privacy unless it is for something specific you need that uBlock Origin cannot do on its own. NoScript is another privacy extension that is sometimes recommended.

There may also be some benefit to using the extension for your password manager, as it may help you identify phishing links and prevent you from filling in your password on fake or scam sites. I strongly recommend Bitwarden as a password manager.

Installing extensions is unlikely to help you defend against fingerprinting. If you are concerned about fingerprinting, then you should enable resist.fingerprint in the about:config on FireFox, or use either Tor or Mullvad Browser (which you should not install any extensions on).

Possibly because it is not open source and doesn’t have anything to offer that the other recommendations do not.

You can view “Brave ads” in exchange for crypto. That is what I meant by replacing ads.


They are recommended on privacy guides: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/search-engines/#brave-search I generally trust privacy guides, although I don’t use Brave Search.


Their CEO is anti-vax and homophobic. Brave Browser (not search) has had some controversy around including crypto, replacing ads with their own, and having had inserted affiliate links into the URL bar in the past.

censor stuff

Hard to say, the job of a search engine is to show you what you want to find.

data collection

There is telemetry that can be turned off.

It lists LibreWolf and IceCat which are FireFox forks.

Well, do you follow them? It could be that you searched for something related to Linux on Twitter at some point. In general, apps can’t see your activity in other apps. Still, Twitter does not respect their users’ privacy.

Most of the things they have available to purchase, you could research and do on your own. Offering the crypto stuff is also off putting, since crypto (except for perhaps Monero) is not really private.

You could block them and the emails will be sent to your spam folder.

AnySoftKeyboard is FOSS and supports gesture typing. It has not been updated in a while and I find it buggy.

Helium314’s OpenBoard fork is FOSS but supports Google’s proprietary gesture typing library.

FlorisBoard is FOSS and supports gesture typing, but does not have word predictions. It is being worked on.

OpenBoard (specifically the fork by Helium314 that supports gesture typing) is what I prefer.

I primarily use DuckDuckGo, and occasionally have to use a !bang to get to the Startpage or Google.

iPhone has the better reputation for privacy/security, however it is proprietary software and so no one can really tell for sure what kind of data that Apple might collect on you.

If you’re worried about your government, then you shouldn’t be using a VPN, you should be using Tor Browser to stay anonymous.

For general use, no it is not necessary. But it depends on your threat model, or exactly how private you want to be.

I suggest looking at the pages on FireFox by Privacy Guides:

Desktop browser recommendations: https://www.privacyguides.org/en/desktop-browsers/#mullvad-leta

FireFox privacy 2021 update: https://blog.privacyguides.org/2021/12/01/firefox-privacy-2021-update/

It is FireFox that has hidden settings (about:config) adjusted for privacy. It refers to using a js file such as betterfox or arkenfox, or a pre-hardened fork of FireFox (Librewolf on desktop or Mull Browser on Android). You can improve your privacy by using a hardened FireFox, however you may also encounter more issues with website compatibility. It is a trade-off, and is usually only recommended for advanced users.