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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I mean, they know they’re stealingg it from a real person, and no matter how careful you are, they’re tracking you.

Even if you don’t have a profile, they have a “you shaped hole” and someone somewhere has tagged you in a picture. They still have data on you built from people in any picture you were tagged in, their data gets extrapolated to you.

The ID is so they can sell the data for a higher price because it’s “verified” to be yours. Even tho without it they still 100% know it’s you.

This isn’t about Facebook getting your ID, it’s just so the people they’ll selling it to pay more.

There’s a chance a human never looked at OPs Shrek picture, an AI may have just checked it against real name tagged photos and it didn’t match. Even tho OP doesn’t have a Facebook account under their real name.

Facebook still knows what OP looks like, and almost assuredly knew the burner account was theirs

It’s a fearmongering website design to scare people into buying crypto.

Their articles that aren’t about crypto get spammed to social media a lot. It’s to get traffic on their site and hope they can hook some.

Eh, have faith in people

Even on Reddit, I was always 100% honest about living in Monetenagro as a Canadian Mexican immigrant. Sure life is busy as CEO of Disney but I always make time to attend a Lakers game with Leonardo DiCaprio when I’m visiting Panama.

But to comb thru a large account would take a bot to look for keywords and frequency mentioned.

So if you’re concerned about it, a less honest person could just randomly make outrageous but specific claims. Even when in the same comments and obviously contradictory, it would throw it off as long as you’re not constantly disclosing identifying information

That’s how I was able to become Batman and buy a house in Tokyo anyways

It’s because if someone says a mean thing about them or their views online, they want to be able to identify them and direct stochastic terrorism towards them.

They want to go back to an America where even though a shit ton of white people hated the KKK, no one would say it publicly because then you were their biggest target as a “race traitor”.

Because that’s the only way to get people to stop pointing out how mind-blowingly stupid their ideas are.

I really think they’re just saying the dumbest shit possible so trump looks good.

Another one of those chucklefucks said they were going to fire every federal employee with a SSN that ends in an odd number.

A legit ~50% reduction in the government based on a random metric with no thought given to consequence or if the government would even still function.

Yeah, I got signed out when the new tracking updates went live, figured I’d just use incognito.

But I couldn’t even open an incognito window, it kept bringing up a normal one and saying I had to sign in to use chrome.

So I downloaded Firefox.

Chrome now won’t open an incognito window unless you’re signed into a regular window.

If you try, it just opens a regular window and tells you to sign in.

A lot of them never had to make a profit before.

Rich idiots threw money at anything because while a million dollars is more than the vast amount of us will ever have, to them it’s like buying a lotto scratcher.

The underlying issue is wealth imbalance.