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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 15, 2023


I bought pads as well but the original ones didn’t break. I wanted to replace them with my new one, however i found the new one is more stiff while the original is soft that components can sink into it. I didn’t know that it’s a thing. So i kept the original. (If anybody is interested there were 0.5mm and 1mm pads on the cooler.)

Hey everyone, Just wanted to share my recent experience with gaming on my laptop. While playing CS:GO was manageable, CS2 was a different story. My laptop kept hitting thermal limits, causing frustrating performance drops. So, I decided to do it myself and repaste it. I wrote a simple script to monitor my temperatures and frequencies: [thermalog script](https://github.com/fxdave/thermalog/). The results speak for themselves: [thermalog results](https://ibb.co/CMBVdxx). I wasn't even near to thermal limit even when I played in 2K instead of FHD. I used Arctic MX-6. (I bought liquid metal also as a backup plan, but luckily I don't need it). I'm more than happy with the results. My laptop is four years old, I highly recommend giving it a go if you're facing similar thermal issues. Happy gaming!