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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Yep. People in general have an aversion to doing anything that encourages positive change if it is too inconvenient to how they have become accustom to doing things.

Companies like Alphabet are very aware of this fact. Once the limits of the push back becomes a few weeks of bitching online then everyone gets back to using the products and services, there is no reason to listen to the complaints of the users.


The way Brave goes about making money seems more shady to me than Google. Google tells you exactly what they are going to do if you’re paying attention, Brave on the other hand spends its time trying to convince everyone that they are more privacy focused than the likes of Google because they have a more off the radar money making scheme with all of the Crypto junk.

If they are not doing something underhanded with it already, they are one management shakeup from starting to.