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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


Missing all the accessories though.

The brain implant will be more like “adplus” of it ever catches on. I guarantee it.

and prob use some Israeli software to access the contents


People still wouldn’t care. The value of privacy, for one’s self or others, has seriously cratered in the last few decades.

I went to college at 29.

Did you also have just-out-of-highschool roommates though?

Also, fair on the rest of your point. Don’t have to be old to act old.

Don’t blame the generation, it just makes you sound like an old man yelling “get off my lawn”.

I’m assuming that they are also Gen Z, with the whole college roommates thing.

So assuming things haven’t changed too much for them, this is about 1%. Barely noticeable.

Did you mean $365,000,000? Or did you get confused by the “.”? Cause that’s used as a comma for numbers in a lot of European countries, so it’s $100k per day, not $100.

Also, it’d be exactly 10 cents per day, since $365k per year would be $1k per day, which 100 is 10% of.

Fwiw, this isn’t a thing on Lemmy. Not that it’s not available given enough effort, but it’s not programmed to be immediately available to everyone.