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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


I had no idea, I had some issues running native and I somewhat gaslight myself into thinking Valve somehow deprioritized Linux support.

I guess my problem is solved then. Thanks!

POP_OS: Stam VAC Anti-cheat prevents me from playing DOTA2
I migrated almost everything on Linux and, low and behold, the only game giving me issues is DOTA2. I'm using Steam flatpack, it runs, I can play against bots, I can spectate games. The moment i try to play in matchmaking a VAC messadge pops up preventing me from starting a game. I tried reinstalling, veryfying the files, installing on a differend hard drive, scanning the disks for errors. Nothing worked. Any idea? Edit: thanks guys, it was actually Proton!

Wait since when a monopoly is preferable to a duopoly? As far as I’m concerned if I can’t have 0 companies to spy on me I’d rather have them all fight each others in the data space…